5 Awesome Features You Will Get in iOS 11

Author: Dennis Johnson

The telecommunication industry is probably the most advanced sector and majorly influenced by technological innovations. More often smart inventions are being unveiled as engineers seek to develop products that are super productive and a hub of many uses. The iOS 11 is apparently the up to date mobile operating system taking the industry by storm; very efficient and with many admirable features. It is an improvement of yet other smart operating system but with a combination of inventions. Here are some useful features of iOS 11:

Let’s us begin with the most obvious, one camera and photos. The Apple iOS 11 can capture images worthwhile which have are properly saturated, color contrast, alignment and of high resolution. On top of these, it has a leveling/alignment tool that puts your focus on the grid before taking a shot. It also supports and is compatible with the QR code apps. Its live photo accessories have three useable tricks, the long exposure, Boomerang-esque bounce and Vine-like Loops. Besides, it is also possible to edit live photos by tapping on the photo, trimming it while still previewing.

The iOS 11 has a functional screen control feature you naturally want to make use of. First, is the tap, drag and drop function. It is possible to drag files, texts or apps from one location to the next or even into a folder. With ease, you begin by dragging a file then use other fingers to add more into the folder. Screen control has even been made beautiful by the split view apps and slides over features. In iOS 11 an app can be layered on another while still can view both to center your focus on one just slide over apps.

Siri translation is yet another one of iOS 11 that has made it gain popularity over time. This means there is multi-lingual use since it can translate a message in up to 21 languages in different voice flavors and inflections. Besides, it is possible to replay a translation on this operating system, while the DJ features allow one to play in different music genres.

The virtual and augmented reality feature is another disruptive innovation in software development. Apple iOS 11 is proud to incorporate this feature one their best breaking point whose customers are really looking out for. The boon is that it does not require multiple cameras or sensors to function, either way, you still get nice videos and clips. Wi-Fi sharing among iPhones and iPads with iOS 11 is incredibly amazing. For instance, if using my iOS 11 phone on Wi-Fi and another of the kind is within proximity. It will give an impromptu alert to share the Wi-Fi password with the other. If you agree, the connection is instant to the other party and also very secure.

The multitasking features cannot be belittled. It allows for more use at one given time. The keyboard is in two phases; the globe keyboard and the mini keyboard implying use by different people simultaneously. It is also possible to drag several apps at a go, multi-room audio and run different files since apps can be layered on another to split view. The iOS 11has an auto-answer t calls, screenshot doodle, iCloud battery saving, and selective app storage including auto app removal.