Top Differences Between CCNA and CCIE Training

Author: Pankaj Joshi

Both CCNA and CCIE are certifications are provided by Cisco. In this article, we will elucidate some of the top differences between CCNA and CCIE training.

CCNA is the primary level certification conducted by Cisco. This exam covers the basics of networking and includes topics, such as ports, switches, routers, TcP/IP protocols. This exam is fundamentally conducted to allow candidates to establish a firm base in networking. CCIE, on the other hand, is the top level networking certification offered by Cisco. Since only the advanced networking topics are covered in this exam, it is recommended that candidates gain at least 5 years of experience before appearing in this exam.

Due to the above-mentioned difference in exams, there arises two important differences between CCNA and CCIE training. First of all, CCNA training in Mumbai can be joined by people with minimum knowledge of networking. On the other hand, CCIE training can only be joined by people with prior knowledge in the field of networking. Before undertaking a CCIE training, the individual is also expected to have a few years of experience in the field of networking.

The content of CCNA and CCIE exams differ significantly from each other. Due to this, the contents taught in CCNA training differs significantly from that of in CCIE training.

The CCNA training in Mumbai includes the following topics:

  • Building a Simple Network

  • Establishing Internet Connectivity

  • Summary Challenge

  • Building a Medium-Sized Network

  • Network Device Management and Security

  • Summary Challenge

  • Introducing IPv6

  • Implement Scalable Medium-Sized Networks

  • Troubleshooting Basic Connectivity

  • Implementing an EIGRP-Based Solution

  • Summary Challenge

  • Implement a Scalable OSPF-Based Solution

  • Wide-Area Networks

  • Network Device Management and Security

  • Summary Challenge

The CCIE training in Mumbai includes the following topics:

      • Network Principles
      • Layer 2 Technologies
      • Layer 3 Technologies
      • VPN Technologies
      • Infrastructure Security
      • Infrastructure Services
      • Evolving Technologies

The exam pattern of CCNA and CCIE exams differ in their exam patterns. CCNA certification has just one exam while CCIE training has one theoretical exam and one lab exam. Due to this difference in exam patterns, the institutes of CCIE training in Mumbai places special emphasis on lab training. Such emphasis on lab training is not given by other institutes of CCNA training in Mumbai.

As the course content of CCIE is much larger than CCNA, the duration of CCIE course is relatively longer than CCNA course.