About the Concept of Hand Tool - Applications & Advantages

Author: Manju Nath

The Hand Tool is the which is powered by hand rather than by an Motor/Engine. The Some of the list of hand tools are hammers, spanners, screwdrivers.Hand tools are usually less harmful than power tools. The hand tools were used by the human beings since the stone age where the stones were used for cutting.From the time since the industrial evolution, the manufacturing of the tools has changed from being skilled worker made to being factory produced.The Hand tools are so many as mentioned below.

The ‘Hand Tools’ can be divided into various groups:

1. Metal Cutting Tools – Drills, Files, Reamers, Punches, Taps2. Holding Tools – Clamps, Vises, Pliers.3. Wood Cutting Tools – Saws, Planes, wood Chisels.4. Fastening Tools – Screwdrivers and Wrenches.5. Striking Tools – Hammers, Sledges.6. Sharpening tools – Files, Bench stones, Strops.

Let us take an example of Hammer in this case and explain about its usage.


The hammer is a hand tool that gives a blow to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails,and to break objects. Hammers also vary in Size,Shape,Structure,depending on the requirements.Hammers are basic tools in many business deals.The usual features are a head which is mostly made up of steel and a handle which is also called as haft. Most hammers are the hand tools, but there are also many powered versions to it called power hammers which is used for heavier uses, such as forging. The Some of the hammers have also other names like sledgehammer. The term Hammer also applies to other machines that deliver blows.

The Applications of the Hand Tool are:

1. It is used in Electronics.2. It is used in Aerospace.3. It is used in Agriculture.4. It is used in Home Appliances like(Gardening).

The Advantages of the Hand Tools are:

1. Hand tools offer the advantage of precision. Fine carving and detailed work such as cabinetry, building of musical instruments and decorative work requires minute2. No Power and air pressure is required.3. It is easier and lighter to transport as well.4. It can be used anywhere and at anytime.5. No Risk of Electric shock.6. Cheap.7. The Parts can be easily replaceable.8. It don't have any complex electronic components.9. Less Maintenance.

The General Features Of The Hand Tool:

  1. Handle Length: There should be a sufficient handle length to handle the tool. Length of the handle depends on the type of grip used and hand size of the user. The Person using the hand tool should properly clasp with all five fingers. The standard handle length of a tool recommended is 10cm and 12.5cm when the worker is using gloves.
  2. Handle Size: The Size of a tool handle is one of a major feature in the design of hand tools. Consider if the handle size is too small, the finger muscles cannot produce enough strength and may result in damage of hand tissues. And if the handle size is too big over force must be applied with the finger tips, considerably, leading to fatigue of figure muscles in a short period of time.
  3. Tool Weight: Hand tool weight is an important issue which determines the duration of time to be held in user hand or used. The standard weight of tools should not exceed more than 2.3 Kgs when held in single hand at 90 degree with the elbow for longer time.
  4. Centre of Gravity of Tool: The centre of Gravity of the tools should be at the edge of a tool where it is held in the wrist. The Centre of gravity should also be regulated with center of holding hands so that the hand will not have to be affected by spinning movements.
  5. Handle Material: The type of material used for tool handle is important, as it will determine the ability of grasping, managing the hand tool and obviously the surface friction characteristic. Firm grip materials such as wood or flexible plastic, rubber are comparatively better than plastic or metal for hand tools. Rubber or wooden handles are preferred because they are the bad conductor of electricity, they discharge heat to hand very slowly, and they get heated up very slowly and so are rare to reach a high temperature.

Let us consider the Features of the Metal Bender-Hand Tool:

  1. The Metal bender is made from heavy cast iron. These benders give firm, accurate and precise bends on a wide variety of metals.
  2. Bending Tools are compact and is ease of use, drastically reducing the manual efforts as the equipment is manufactured with strong machine parts.
  3. The bending work is done by cold, no need to heat the metal and no need of electricity for working with equipment. It is a versatile device, making it ideal to use for on-site metal or pipe bending work.
  4. The metal bender is designed in such a way that it is easy and fast to set up material and bend it.