The Top Don'ts for Unique Logo Design

Author: Pixels Logodesign

Indisputably, logo designing is more than just creating a pretty symbol for a visual representation of the company. There are a lot more other factors or dynamics that have to be thought out, considered and implemented in the most brilliant way possible for a logo to make sense.

So, coming up with a perfect recipe to design a logo is the hardest part that entails brilliance and precision in the entire process. A unique logo design (if designed properly) can solve more than half of matters of business as logo plays an integral role in creating a distinction among competitor brands.

Some of the most distinctive brands like Apple, Nike, MacDonald’s, and Coca-Cola have most prominent and recognizable logos in the world. Each of these brands represents a different industry and has a distinctive look and feel. They also provide a source of inspiration and guidance that how logos should be made and what elements are needed to be taken care off. Let’s just take a quick look at some of the top don’t for a unique logo design.

Don’t Follow Trends

Since we are living in an ultra-modern digital age, we now witness some of the finest innovations in the field of art and designing. Although, certain design trends sometimes become the industry standards and businesses tend to adopt them with all heads up. As time changes, so are the preferences, liking or inclinations of people, which means that what people may like today may not like tomorrow. So, going with latest trends may temporarily provide you creative logo designs but they are never going to retain their charm for long. Although you can take inspirations from recent design developments but embracing them completely may negatively impact your business in the long course of its journey.

Don’t Add Too Much Detail

You have witnessed that iconic logos aren’t complicated at all. They are simple, attractive, relevant, consistent, and flexible as they focus on one key feature. The more you add details to your logo design, the higher are the chances that it will confuse your audience. An effective logo entails a perfect amalgamation of typographic and design idea.

Don’t Imitate Others

Copying competitor’s design or imitating logos from the market can be detrimental to your brand. Since the basic purpose of having a unique logo is to create an impact with a strong creative edge, imitating someone else’s design you are doing no good to your business and would certainly result in a failure for your company. Copied logo designs can never make an impact, trust me!

Don’t Change or Switch It up Every Second Year

Consistency needs to be maintained in order to create a long-term impact as people remember brands through their logos. Don’t flip flop your logo designs whatsoever because it would make people forget your brand. So, a logo design has to be revisited only when it fails to deliver core business values and image.