6 Top Qualities of a Good Child Care Center in Eastern Creek

Author: Katherine Harris

Nowadays, choosing the best child care center is one of an exciting, yet daunting, experience for every parent. With guilt and a desire to provide the best child care in Eastern Creek, every parent should look for the specific characters in the childcare center. Since your child has to spend most of their time in the childcare center, you should choose the one that will boost up their knowledge and creativity. Here is a list of qualities and skills you should expect in the child care center.


You need to give priority to safety while enrolling your child in a child care center. You need to check whether all the staffs and caretakers are well trained about the health and safety policies. Also, ask whether all their staffs are trained properly in medication handling, storage, and administration. Ensure that the electrical outlets are covered using the protective caps to avoid accidents. They should keep posted emergency numbers and a first-aid kit to take care of children in case of any injury or accident.


Look at the wall whether plenty of drawing and paintings done by the kids and this shows their creativity. As children learn through playing, check whether they have provided valuable space for children to perform activities with fun and enjoy themselves. Also, televisions should be played very little or should be avoided totally.

Child-friendly Environment in Eastern Creek Child Care Center

As your child is moving to a new environment, you should check whether the child care in Eastern Creek provides a child-friendly environment. Their environment should be clean and safe so that kids can explore their surroundings. Toys and various interesting things will also attract your kids and improve their creativity. Ensure that they clean the toys regularly and avoid sharp-edged toys for kids.


Every staff should be capable of understanding the individuality of each child and communicate with them. Each child is unique and has their own needs, so the staff should know their need and give them the right tools.


The staffs should understand the child’s uniqueness and development stage, and appreciate them during their every move. They should often initiate physical, verbal and social interactions between the children. Daily schedules should include individual activities and whole-group gatherings for stories and music.


Word of mouth is one of the best ways to know the quality of the child care center. Ask your friends, relatives, friends of friends, etc. If a child care center is highly recommended by them, then it is a great sign of a good child care center.

The author of this article has been working in a child care center for more than 4 years. She has written many blogs about child care in Eastern Creek, preschool, and more. To know more, visit http://www.littlegraces.com.au/