Homeopathy targets the root causes of urinary tract infection

Author: Francine Kanter

The urinary tract comprises of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and the urethra. And urinary tract infection can occur anywhere in these areas. Basically, the higher up in the tract an infection occurs, the problem gets more serious. So, an infection affecting the kidney involves fever, vomiting and nausea.UTI (urinary tract infection) is quite common and substantially more common in women than in men. Children are also susceptible, though not as much as adults and such infections can be a severe problem in the young. Many individuals choose homeopathy for urinary tract infection treatment because it entails a more holistic approach.Causes of UTIOne can have the problem of UTI infection when bacteria gain access to the urinary tract and start multiplying there. The most common bacteria that infect the tract is Escherichia coli, commonly known as E.coli. Usually, the bacteria enter the urinary tract via the urethra and gut. There are other bacteria too that can cause this problem. They include Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, and Klebsiella. The risk aspects that incline a person to urinary tract infection are using a catheter, diabetes mellitus, impaired immune system, holding urine for long, and enlarged prostate.

Symptoms of UTI

  • Burning sensation while urination
  • Persistent urge to urinate
  • Scanty urine, pain in pubic region
  • Fever with chills and nausea or vomiting
  • Cloudy/red urine
  • Fortunately, there are solutions in homeopathy for urinary infection treatment. It helps remove the uncomfortable symptoms of the infection while addressing individual susceptibility. Whether you suffer from cystitis sometimes or are liable to recurring UTI attacks, a remedy laid down specific to your needs can bring about fast relief.

    There are many remedies available but the best way to help is by finding a remedy similar to your needs. Some popular homeopathy remedies for UTI are mentioned below:

    Cantharis: Cantharis is prepared from Spanish fly and helps those who experience burning sensation during urination

    Pulsatilla : Pulsatilla is a great remedy for those who suffer intermittent pains during or after urination, haematuria, and scanty urine with the ammonia smell.

    Staphyisagria: Staphyisagria is an excellent remedy for "honeymoon cystitis". This issue is caused by over-sensitivity of bladder after sexual intercourse.

    You should change your lifestyle too in order to manage UTI. Maintain personal hygiene, avoid holding urine for long, and maintain personal hygiene to prevent this problem. Also, get in touch with an experienced homeopathic practitioner to get the best remedies. The professional can also help you with natural remedies for constipation if you are facing this problem.