Learn the Truth About Shared Office Space in The Next 60 Seconds

Author: Space Whiz

Nowadays, work is not defined by the traditional 9 to 5 mold, working in the same company for 20 years and then retiring. More and more people every day are making their own mark on the world through freelancing, commencing their own business, or using their professional skills to create employment niche.

Coworking and shared office spaces is a new, flexible way to go to work that meets the need of the modern and driven workforce, who just cannot see themselves in a traditional office set up. If you are tired of having to order something every hour so that you don’t get kicked out of the coffee shop, or if you need a space where you can bounce off ideas with others just to get your creative juices flowing, or better yet, you want to surround yourselves with people who are mavericks in the very true sense, then Coworking and Shared Offices is the solution for you. Following are a few facts that’s that you need to know about Coworking and Shared Office Space.

  1. 78% of the coworkers are under 40 Years of age.
  2. With new Coworking Spaces opening with different facilities, people have a lot of options, because of which the satisfaction rate of a coworker is as high as 92%
  3. Since people can work efficiently and put their best foot forward, they feel relaxed at home. 60% of the coworkers to be exact have a peaceful frame of mind when they are home.
  4. Better efficiency lead to increased productivity. Because of which one can notice a 50 % rise in business incomes.
  5. Your surroundings rub off on you. As everyone around you is thriving and being the best version of themselves, you automatically feel motivated. As per statistics, 82% of the coworkers are motivated because of usage of Coworking and Shared Office Spaces.
  6. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, once you start performing well, your confidence increases and you perform even better. It is seen that almost 90% of the coworkers report an increase in self- confidence.
  7. With Coworking and Shared Offices catering to our needs which range from having a ball pit to having a gym in the office, its reported that 70% of the coworkers feel healthier than they did working in traditional offices.
  8. Better efficiency results in Time Management. 64% of the coworkers are better able to complete their tasks on time

Coworking and Shared Office Spaces goes beyond than being just a workplace. Its where every coworker is a best version of themselves and strive to succeed in the most unusual way possible, individually as well as collectively.

Check out Spacewhiz.com to book coworking spaces, shared office spaces or office spaces for rent.