Publish Obituary Ads in Newspaper That is Read by Your Acquaintances

Author: Kulwant Singh

The impact of grief can cause a lot of chaos to all the aspects of our life. Every individual responds differently to grief. However, one thing that is noteworthy here is that through grief can be dealt with but the severity of the impact that it had caused on a person will be the deciding factor in dealing with it. This means that some are emotionally strong and can deal with the situation by facing it. On the other hand, others who are vulnerable find it difficult to deal with the loss and slip into depression. Such people start living in a denial mode and are utterly shocked by the demise of a loved one. This behaviour is normal but if the denial mode extends beyond a feasible time it might result in mental disturbance and physical health also gets affected. After a point of time, it is necessary for the survivors to accept the fate as it is and move ahead in life. Otherwise, it takes a toll on the overall health of an individual.


For a vulnerable and emotionally weak people (and otherwise as well) well-wishers, friends and relatives can play a vital role in bringing the person out from the state of trauma. They can act as a pillar of strength for a survivor who has completely lost all hope and direction in life due to the setback received by the death of a loved one.


Well-wishers can comfort a weeping individual with their words. However, one has to be very careful with their words while interacting with a survivor during such heart-rending times as one wrong sentence can do harm instead of good to the survivor. If you are unsure whether you will be able to say comforting words or not better take the help of flowers that work the best. A carnation will say a lot on your behalf without having you to utter a word. Sympathy flowers can soothe the traumatized survivor and help in their healing process. If you will attach a personalized message or note along with the carnations it will be best. The words of the message will express your feelings as well as convey your message to the survivor.


Another thing that can be done to ease off the pain of the survivors is to publish obituary ads in newspaper. An obituary advertisement in a news journal will help spread the sad news and the surviving family will not have to inform each and every individual separately. Obituary ads thus work best to disseminate the unfortunate news in an efficient manner. It is better to choose a newspaper that is read by acquaintances, friends, relatives, etc. and if everyone is residing in a particular region or area then it is better to select community newspaper or a local news broadsheet for this purpose. This will help you spread the news faster and you will not be required to publish the advert in various newspapers as a single news journal would be sufficient.

Whatever way you choose to comfort the survivors but ensure to be beside them during their tough time and do not leave them alone. Help, love and support them in whatever way you can and help them recover faster.