Understanding Hair Loss

Author: Elone Patri

Men typically lose their hair due to male pattern baldness, something that most people do not associate with women who actually can lose it after 50 years of age. There have been many advances toward the treatment of hair loss in both genders over the last few years. There are very few permanent solutions to this problem, many that are cosmetic and temporary to boot.

If you have the money, there is a permanent solution that some people opt for which is called hair transplantation treatment. You need to do something about this, and have a positive attitude as you search for a remedy.

It was very common, years ago, to wonder why hair loss occurred and what a person could do about it once it started. One idea that has caused a lot of misdirected energies is that improving blood circulation would help. It was thought that the hair follicles in your scalp could come back to normal in circulation was increased. What is now very well known about genetically induced hair loss completely negates the circulation idea. If your genetics has given you hair that is predisposed to fallout when testosterone is present, good circulation will not help you. With better circulation, more testosterone will actually reach your hair follicles which, in some cases, can be worse.

Chemicals used in hair care products, specifically those designed for women, may cause their hair to fall out. When this happens, the possible cause can be to fragrances. You can also be allergic to certain fragrances that can cause skin sensitivity in the soap that is used. Also, female pattern hair loss usually happens in women post-menopause, but it can still occur in younger women, too. Several factors are involved in regard to why hair starts to thin at any age. The process of elimination is usually a good tool to use when trying to determine what is causing your hair loss to occur.

There is a genetic reason that most men begin to lose their hair. It has to do with male pattern baldness and the genes passed down from their parents. Usually the father’s side of the family is blamed for the male pattern baldness that is seen in so many men. Unfortunately, men that have this particular gene got it from their moms. Sex linked genes, otherwise known as your X or Y chromosomes, is where the hair loss gene originates. The gene in question is on the X chromosome and is a recessive rather than dominant gene. The reason that this recessive gene, the X Chromosome, becomes prominent is because men only get one from their mother and it is therefore expressed. Hair transplantation procedures are one of the latest most reliable forms of hair loss treatment available. The execution of this procedure years ago was not very good which is why it has taken this long to be considered a procedure worth recommending. The reason it didn’t go over well with the general public was that large clumps of hair could be seen in your scalp once the procedure was done. Modern technology has made it possible for this procedure to happen and not be noticeable once it is done. Of course this is one of the more costly hair loss treatments, but it can be made to give you a normal head of hair.