Exercise reduces the risk of developing alzheimers disease
Alzheimer’s disease usually strikes elderly persons. Unless and until the brain functions properly, it is very difficult to correct any neurological problem including Alzheimer’s disease. The strategies you have to adopt to promote brain health are very simple and motivation has to be there to include the strategies on a daily basis.
The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation have found out that physical exercise will reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease by 50%. The benefits of exercising are it reduces stress, boosts your mood, improves your memory and increases energy. You should ideally exercise everyday but if you are not doing it, you should start now. You can start by exercising one day in a week and then slowly increase it to at least five days a week.
You can protect your body and brain by focusing on low inflammatory diets. You should have an abundant helping of fruits and vegetables (try to have it in different colors - berries are very good for brain health), nuts and seeds which contain healthy fats, and Atlantic fish which contains lean organic protein will reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer.
Mental stimulation is very good for the brain. Therefore to keep your brain active you can try learning a foreign language, a new musical instrument or play strategy games like scrabble, solve Sudoku, crossword puzzles, or online brain builder luminosity. You can even shift your everyday habit of brushing with your right hand to left hand to make your brain work overtime.
Like the body, the brain also needs adequate rest and sleep to flush out the toxins which can damage the brain. A consistent sleep-wake up routine should be followed every day. This should be followed even on weekends. You should also allow your mind and body to relax and prepare for sleep about 30-60 minutes before bedtime by reading or meditating but do not watch TV or use any electronic device. This helps in prevention of Alzheimer disease.
If you subject your brain to chronic stress, then the brain will shrink. This causes damage to your memory and thus increase your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Stress is part of every one’s life and it is difficult to erase it completely. We can only find better ways of coping with stress like deep breathing, yoga, getting it out of your system by talking about it to your friend or reviewing the stress situation calmly and trying to see the positive side of it.
Individuals who have a happy social life fare better in memory and cognition tests. Having a strong social network support, seeking new friends through activities like sports, clubs, volunteering for social causes or at least keeping in touch with your existing friends at least once a week by speaking to them on the phone will go a long way in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Association has found out that 80o% of the people who had this disease also suffered from cardiovascular disease. It is therefore necessary to control your cardiovascular risk to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.