Techniques Used by 3D Animation Studios for Creating Animated Videos

Author: Broadcast 2World

Animated explainer videos are great tools for raising awareness about businesses and brands. They add a whimsical twist to a typical advertisement, thus appealing to the audiences’ imagination on both rational and emotional levels. These marketing tools are a work of highly creative thinking, which is why more people prefer them over long-winded copies on a webpage. There is also great evidence of the effectiveness of animated explainers among audiences, as studies show that at least 90% of typical viewers share these videos with friends when they find the content interesting or simply entertaining. This means 90% more visibility for your brand. Why are animated explainers such effective tools for marketing? The secret is in the way they are produced. Below are essential components and techniques that 3D animators use in creating animated explainer videos:

  • Scriptwriting and storyboarding – every advertisement starts with a good script and a sound storyline. An animation studio will take time to sit down with your in-house marketing team in order to get enough information about how you want the final video to look and sound like, as well as how you want the story to go. This dictates the direction the video will go, and in turn, is a critical step in making sure that the final output is what you expect. Storyboarding is when scenes and sequences are pieced together in order to create a logical order for your script.
  • Animation – animation is done after all the characters and scenes by scene design work is complete. This can be through a number of software solutions, which aid in creating fluid movements and effects that make animated videos stand out.
  • Special effects and sound – special effects and sound or musical scoring are also important elements that set animations apart from most types of explainer videos. They help make the impossible, possible and give the video a different feel to live action explainers and whiteboard animations. They turn simple video explainers into mini feature films that are worth sharing.
  • Narration and music – narration is critical to any animated explainer, as it gives voice to your brand or business. 3D animation studios are very well equipped with all the tools as well as the voice talents that you need to ensure effective storytelling and delivery of your message.
  • Editing and rendering – after all is said and done, your animated video goes through master cutting and editing through a specialized software in order to create a final output that meets and even exceeds your expectations.