Faith in our own selves is the only way to prosperity, well-being, happiness and self growth

Author: Vinay Rai

Many articles have been written about how and what to do for ones own growth, prosperity, happiness and well-being. Professors at Universities like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge have done extensive research, both through mind and body and MIT through genetic brain research.

Today most newspapers like the New York Times, Washington post, Sunday, the Times, Newsweek, Economist, and even news channels like Google News, Flipboard, BBC, CNN, Times of India, Hindustan Times, ABC et all have written extensively about this aspect.

All are now coming to the conclusion that well-being and happiness are fundamentally linked to our attitude, our thinking, our behaviour and not to outside external enviorment and circumstances. It’s actually "ALL IN THE MIND"

The ancient wise had actually said the same through their own Analytics and wisdom. In a nutshell, The Universe is always caring and loving and is their to protect us. Have faith in that. We can pray to the universe energy in any form or shape or name or identity. It’s all one and the same. Just that we must stick to our own faith and not run from pillar to post to any name that seems to promise more. do not change your loyalty as soon as something untoward happens or someone whispers about somebody else. Let us not pull down our own God’s picture from the wall and hang some other picture at our first disappointment. Leave all to the universe and its collective wisdom. Let its Will be carried out — that should be our attitude and absolute faith.

Unless we go through the rough and the smooth, how can we be hardened? We must welcome the light and the shade, the sun and the rain, the ups and the downs in equal measure. Do not think that only those who worship a picture or image with pompous paraphernalia and more money are closer to God. Whoever walks straight along the moral path, whoever acts as they speak and speaks as they have seen, whoever melts at another’s woe and exults at another’s joy — they are the ones God loves most and will shower His blessings on. Have unflinching faith in the Wisdom and benevolence of the Universe. The Universal Energy Shall Never Fail You.

The famous author Paulo Coelho stated is nicely when he said in his famous book "The Alchemist" that " the Universe is actually Conspiring to help You"

We are all caskets of Universal energy and its Love; lets share it with everyone! Express this love in kind words and acts of service filled with compassion. That is the surest way to reach our own prosperity, well-being, happiness and personal growth.