Firebase for mobile application development

Author: Ankit Jain

A development platform for mobile and web-based software is known as Firebase, it is being developed by Firebase in 2011 and then being adopted by Google in 2014. Firebase explored their services by growing with Google as Google being the parent for Firebase and making a unified platform for mobile developers. Firebase provides packaging and provides it in a clean and easy manner with the help of Google packages. Now the Firebase is able to integrate the services in a broader range by engaging with the Google services and providing a way to the mobile developers.

Firebase is a part of Google and hence being a part of many best services provided by Google like- Firebase Analytics, Firebase Cloud messaging, Firebase Document database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Crash Reporting and much more. All of these services play a vital of growing the services through Firebase, the Firebase also consists of growing with Firebase notification, Firebase application indexing, Firebase dynamic links, Firebase Remote configuration and much more.

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By connecting with Google it has also been involved in the open source projects like Firepad, Firechat, GeoFire and much more. Google Cloud Messaging services are also being done by Firebase and hence it is growing its name and fame among the developers and IT sector. It provides API and full SDK package to be integrated into your application so that application could run smoothly and also help in managing the Cloud database and backend services. Firebase always generates some new and innovative releases which includes Authentication, Cloud Firestore, the entry with real-time database and much more. Recently, Google has acquired Fabric and Crashlytics into its services which are being managed by Firebase account.

Firebase becomes a general usage by integrating with Google and also being present in every service for Google. Most of the items needed to build an application consist of Firebase like- the Google analytics which is built into firebase, Hosting of any site, Storage, AdSense for Ads are also built into Firebase, Cloud messaging, notification and all the services in any application is being managed by Firebase. Hence, Firebase, is an important technology for developing any mobile or web application, because most of the services needed by the developer to develop any mobile application will need Firebase to get integrated into it.

Canopus also work on various Firebase SDK and instant releases of Firebase which is need to get involved in any application. Any mobile application development must need to have a Firebase and Google Crash Analytics account to set up the build and submitting reports on a daily basis. Canopus is highly involved in developing mobile applications for both iOS and Android platform and hence is using the Firebase SDK, Firebase account and all the Crash analytics account for reporting quickly to client’s and on a daily basis. Also, the firebase for real-time updates in a database of any application which consist of backend and database. All the three i.e. real-time database, authentication and hosting is being used by us in our application to maintain the applications flow and stay tuned with the client's needs.