Flavored Cigar Market Trends and Segments 2017 - 2025
Flavored cigars are tightly rolled bundles of fermented and dried tobacco leaves with added flavors. Such cigars are rolled in different sizes, which are ignited so that the smoke can be drawn into the mouth. Recently, tobacco manufacturers have increased the production of flavored cigars such as fruit, alcohol, and candy-flavored cigars. Cigars are lended a flavor to reduce the unpleasant taste and smell associated with them. Flavored cigars also prevent concerns and complaints from non-smokers about smokers. Manufacturers are consistently upgrading their products by modifying flavors which are found to be more acceptable among consumers recently. Experimentation with new flavors has resulted in easier smoking, by masking the irritation on the airways, thereby preventing the smoker from coughing. Additives that are used in flavored cigars reduce the discomfort in smoking. Subsequently, smokers don’t experience the early warnings of respiratory disorders and upper airway irritation. Recently, tobacco manufacturers witnessed a rapid rise in demand for chocolate-, vanillin-, and licorice-flavored cigars.
The global flavored cigar market has been segmented on the basis of flavor and product. In terms of flavor, the flavored cigar market can be segmented into alcohol-flavored cigar, non-alcohol flavored cigar, and fruit-flavored cigar. Fruit-flavored cigar has been further sub-segmented into banana, grape, mango, raspberry, and others. Alcohol-flavored cigars can be further sub-segmented into whisky, tequila, and others. In terms of product, the flavored cigar market can be segmented into machine-made flavored cigars and handmade flavored cigars. The machine-made flavored cigar segment is estimated to dominate the global market due to their easy availability, low cost, and rising preference of young consumers toward different flavors.
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The global flavored cigars are primarily driven by the rise in demand for fusion-flavored cigars among consumers. Major players of flavored cigar are engaged in continuous innovation of products in order to attract new consumers. However, strict regulations upon several ingredients in flavored cigar by governments across the globe and imposition of taxes are restraining the global flavored cigar market. Such regulations are prominent in Australia and the U.S. where the sale of fruit-flavored and confectionery-flavored cigars are banned in order to maintain social welfare. Additionally, gifting flavored cigars is considered as a new trend among young consumers. This is anticipated to generate opportunities for the global flavored cigar market during the forecast period.
In terms of region, the global flavored cigar market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. North America is estimated to dominate the global flavored cigar market due to rising demand for flavored cigars among young consumers. Previously, in Canada, there was a rise in demand for rum or sweet wine flavored cigars. Recent demand survey recorded a rise in demand for vanilla, mint, and chocolate roasted honey. It has also been recorded that two major manufacturers of cigars in Canada introduced methanol-based cigars, which has witnessed a major rise in demand recently. Asia Pacific, which includes China, India, Japan, and Australia, is anticipated to expand rapidly during the forecast period due to the introduction of different flavored cigars and changing lifestyle among the population. Moreover, recently, women have taken up smoking, and this is projected to fuel the global cigar market during the forecast period.
Owing to the presence of large number of flavored cigar manufacturers across the globe, the global flavored cigar market is competitive in nature. The global flavored cigar market is fragmented in nature, and it consists of several small and large vendors. Key players operating in the global flavored cigar market include General Cigar, Drew Estate, Gurkha cigars, Imperial tobacco, Miami cigar, Arnold Andre, and Avanti cigar.