CellXperts for LG Phone Repair Near Cary NC

Author: Tia Williams

Carytown, North Carolina - October 31, 2017--In our modern era today, it certainly cannot be denied that when it comes to today’s electronics, the biggest giants are Samsung and iPhone, but what a lot of people do not recognize is that there are other greatly impressive brands as well: Motorola, Blackberry, Alcatel, Xiaomi, and of course, one of the oldest and strongest brands in the world, the LG. So what is with these other brands and what can they offer towards its users, especially LG?

In this article, we will help you find out with us here at CellXperts LG phone repair near Cary NC.

Constantly Updated

It cannot be considered as a secret anymore but LG’s Nexus is one of the smartphones that acquires the latest and some of the greatest updates from Google itself. Usually, carrier phones such as LG will take months and even years for it to be updated as there is a great need for it to adapt to the latest Android versions. What some other Android users have noticed with their phones over time is that it becomes slow or sluggish, thus having the need for reformatting from time to time which can be a hassle on your part. That is why it is much safer for one to acquire their updates from Google itself.

Fewer System Apps

The moment you acquire your new smartphone, you may already notice how full your phone is with embedded system apps, that’s how some units from LG deviates from it. These system apps are definitely nuisance as they tend to consume a lot of memory and drain your battery along the way as they continue to run in the background. LG, specifically their unit Nexus, has one of the smallest system app footprints that is why using it becomes fast and easy.


There is no denying that LG does not drill a hole in your pocket as much as most Samsung and iPhone products do and this is one of the advantages of using and buying LG as your main smartphone. It has been a trusted product since the early 2000s and even its appliance is trusted in the market. The mere fact that up until now, it is still thriving in the ultimate competitive market, speaks volumes about the quality of the products under the famous electronics and appliance brand LG.

And when it comes to your phone concerns, there is always CellXperts for LG phone repair near Cary, NC! No more need to travel far and drive for hours on end when the only shop that you need in Carytown is your best option for LG phone repair and other phone concerns you tend to worry about. Be sure to check out our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter to get some of our real-time updates and be sure to check out our website to get the latest scoops on the best deals we have for the season made available all just for you as our valued customers!