4 HTML Tags That Can Improve the SEO Effectiveness of Your Website

Author: Jason Simers

The stunning design and amazing copywriting of a website can become insignificant if the users can’t find it easily on the web. HTML tags can largely push forward the SEO effectiveness of your website. Here’s how:

In a scenario where more than 93% of online experiences start from a search engine, you can’t overlook the significance of search engine optimization. You need to drive a monthly expected amount of traffic to your pages using the organic techniques of SEO. For enhancing the organic search results for your web pages, you need to interact and engage the search engine bots using the language of HTML tags. It is the best tool to improve the visibility and rankings of your site in the SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages. Here are the most important HTML tags that you should focus on:

1. Use Title Tags:

To increase the online rankings for your website, you should begin your quest with an understanding of title tags. For ranking your website and placing it in a relevant position in SERPs, the search engine should clearly know about the content of your website and more specifically, the content of its pages. The title tags help in describing the topic given on a page in a language that search engines can read and understand. You should cleverly integrate the keywords relevant to the content into this tag. You can also hire an Orange County SEO expert to get this done for you.

2. Use Meta Description Tags:

Meta description tags are the second most important HTML tag to be included in your SEO tactics. Meta description is a brief introduction to the content given on a particular page. If done correctly, it can boost the online rankings of your website and bring more convertible traffic to it. Here, you should use the same keywords that you used in the title tag to help the search engines in easily identifying the intent of your site. The inconsistency in the use of keywords in both these tags can be confusing for the search engine bots.

3. Use Image Alt Tags:

A knowledgeable Orange County SEO expert can easily tell you the significance of using alt tags on your website. These tags help in describing the images posted on your site. Remember, the search engine bots can only read the text. Hence, you need to add some text to the images to make them search-friendly. Always use the words that tell what a picture is about. Here, you shouldn’t worry about stuffing the keywords if they don’t fit.

4. Use Header Tags:

The header tags are included within the main content of a page. The header tags on your pages may include h1, h2, h3, or h4 tags if the content format demands for it. They help in organizing the content in an understandable format. They ensure easy readability and boost the SEO effectiveness of your website at the same time. When the headings and sub-headings in your content use HTML tags, you can exactly and accurately tell the search engines about the content of your pages.

Apart from these techniques above, you can also use link tags, canonical tags, and no-follow tags in your SEO for making your website search engine-friendly. Using the right HTML tags can make a difference to the rankings of your site.

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