Selenium to perform the Test Automation for Web Applications

Author: Mind Q Online

In today’s scenario umpteen software applications are scripted to function on a web based applications which could be compatible to run through any internet browsers, further it becomes more imperative for many companies and organizations across the landscape to constantly check the efficacy of the software through certain testing methodologies.

Anecdote: Test Automation is a process to run significant repeatable tests on the software application to ensure that it is bug free even after the inclusion of the newer versions. Thus making it more robust in terms of its functionalities.

There are many advantages to test automation; most are related to repeat ability of the tests and the speed at which the tests can be executed. There are a number of commercial and open source tools available for assisting with the development of test automation.

There are many advantages to test automation. Most are related to the repeatability of the tests and the speed at which the tests can be executed. There are a number of commercial and open source tools available for assisting with the development of test automation.

Selenium as an Automation Testing Tool

Selenium as an automated testing tool has gained prominence in the market today as it is the most popular testing tool used by many software companies. Selenium as a testing tool comprises of a suite of different software tools within it, which could have various test automation methodologies.

Selenium IDE

Selenium RC

Selenium Grid

Selenium Web Driver

The testing engineers who are working on a software application for testing would be using some of the above mentioned tools in their project. Selenium as a robust testing tool has the inherent ability within it to execute the test cases onto multiple browser platforms.

Mind Q system’s take on training onto Selenium Testing Methodologies

Mind Q Systems has always been the premier institution in Hyderabad and Bangalore to conduct the Selenium Testing Training. It has always laid emphasis on training the new aspirant who wants to build his career onto the Selenium Testing and to the testing engineers who are already working on certain testing projects and want to have an upgrade with the new versions of Selenium

Mind Q Systems conducts the Selenium Online Training in Hyderabad and Selenium Online Training in Bangalore simultaneously. As a matter of fact, it would always be an advantage for an aspirant to have a mastery over the complete suite of Selenium packages; further this would give an edge towards approaching various test automation problems.