How Children can benefit from Speech Pathology

Author: Anvi Sharma

As a human being, communication is a critical part of one’s life. Without communication humans are just like animals without much idea about how to deal with things. Helen Keller said that hearing loss separates people from people and is very painful. This can be especially difficult for children especially. Diagnosing early and deciding whether the child requires sign language, cued speech, oral communication or a combination of these is very critical for a child living with hearing loss. Digital hearing aids in Noida can help but not cure totally. Here is how to deal with different kinds of hearing losses.

Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss

Children with mild to moderate hearing loss are fortunate in one sense, i.e. they can hear something if not everything. However, there is a cliché. Parents generally do not understand that the child is facing hearing loss. They think that he/she is not paying attention. Generally, such children miss early diagnosis and reach the age of five, when actually what is wrong is discovered. Once it is discovered, they can go for Speech pathology and decide whether to go for oral communication, cued speech or their combination. Rarely do such patients require to learn sign language, though it can be helpful to bolster their communicative abilities.

While doing the therapy, two things are essential viz. speech and listening. Exercise to learn and understand new words along with their pronunciation helps a lot in understanding with limited hearing ability. Practicing speech reading (known as lip reading) helps in listening when the surroundings are not ideal for the hearing loss patients.

Reading and writing is the next level of Speech and hearing loss therapy. By reading the child will be able to increase their vocabulary and also understand the meaning of words which increases their purview. This helps the challenged child to keep up with the world around and feel comfortable. A child with mild to moderate hearing loss may attend a normal school but with support.

Total Hearing Loss

This is a situation which is worse than of the children affected by mild and moderate hearing loss. But this can be diagnosed very early as the child does not respond to hearing at all. It can help in doing corrective surgery if possible in infant stage only. It is easier and can lead to full recovery. In case of situations that cannot be cured, such children will have to go for speech pathology which will include lip reading and sign language to begin with. They can go for oral communication much later.