Offshore Accounts – In Simple Theme

Author: Satheesh Vishnu

Offshore Accounts – In Simple Theme

When a businessmen need to save their money then they seek some tactics or ways that can save their money and the best way to save money is basically they are trying to avoid from paying tax in a legal way. For this purpose, the most suitable way a person can avail is to have the offshore account. If you are residing in your home country you have to pay a lot of taxes on your annual income. This is pretty difficult for those who are doing business because after earning money to give to government is actually our social and moral duty but the trader or a person who earns a lot of money avoid in some or other way. You do not need to pay any tax if you have offshore accounts because out of the territory of the residential state and in this way local laws are not applicable to offshore earnings.

Now the questions are if one is avoiding taxes in a legal way is right or wrong? Before going towards the answer about myth we will discuss some relative points that will ultimately reveal the exact story that either it is right or wrong. In last few years a hot debate about offshore accounts was very popular and still in many countries big giants are under examine because of having accounts in different countries. And the most interesting thing is that the people or personalities involved are mostly from the area of politics. As the father of prime minister of England was involved. And the prime minister of England defend his case in front of parliament in an effective way and the court finally gave the decision in support of prime minister but ultimately because of party pressure he has to resign. Similar was the case with the prime minister of Pakistan where he has to resign and the prime minister is still with his family facing the court. There are many other examples where personalities are facing court decisions. This thing makes ambiguous to understand the system and most of the people perceive offshore accounts as an illegal way of earning money.

Legal or Illegal

From the above-mentioned examples, someone for sure thinks offshore accounts an illegal act for avoiding tax with a mindset of earning a good income. But believe me, it is completely legal and it is supported by many developed countries like USA, England, and Dubai. First I will mention the above things. Political personalities are facing court judgments because they earn money in an illegal way in their country in the form of corruption and made offshore accounts to save their black money. Then they could not satisfy the court about the money trail how they transferred the money from residence state. This is why there is a mindset that it is not a good way to earn money or to do a business.

But it is completely a legal process. Many developed countries run their banking sector and Dubai offshore accounts are most famous because the market is global and industrialists or traders prefer to open accounts in Dubai banks. If you have offshore accounts in Dubai this thing gives you a lot of benefits as there is no tax on the income of a person and the best thing is that the privacy is in the priority list of top banks working in Dubai.

In a country where the political system is unstable and there is a risk that your money could be seized by government people mostly prefer for having offshore accounts. And one more thing is Dubai provides the highest interest at the low-cost rate and in this way it is perfect to increase your wealth in a completely legal way.