Are You Adding Fat to Your Tummy Every Day? Here’s How to Get Rid of It

Author: Sultan Hassan
Excess belly fat isn’t just a buzzkill to your beach bod. It is also extremely unhealthy. Research suggests that waist size is an even bigger risk factor for various diseases than the body’s overall fat percentage. This is because of visceral fat—the type of fat that is found within the abdomen, surrounding the internal organs. Visceral fat, as opposed to subcutaneous fat, is metabolically active. This means it releases chemicals that can cause oxidative damage to the body. In simpler terms, excess tummy fat can damage your organs and your blood vessels, upping your risk of serious conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, dementia, and even some cancers.

Many factors can keep you from a flat tummy, and your dietary habits and daily routines are among the biggest culprits. Below are some of the main reasons why the weight you gain always seem to camp in your tummy:

  • You eat more sugary foods and drink more sugary beverages than you should. The more sugar you take in on a daily basis, the more susceptible you are to belly fat gain. A high-fructose diet can be problematic, more so when you consume sweet drinks, which makes it easier to take in large doses of sugar that turn to visceral fat.
  • You consume too much alcohol. Alcohol is a double-edged sword that can have helpful and harmful effects to your health. In moderate amounts, alcohol can lower your risk of cardiac attacks and stroke. On the other hand, too much alcohol intake may lead to health problems like inflammation and liver disease. Alcohol also suppresses fat burning, while the excess calories you get from drinking alcoholic beverages are partly stored as tummy fat, thus the term beer belly.
  • You live a sedentary lifestyle. Not only does a sedentary lifestyle lead to a round mid-section, it is also one of the biggest factors that lead to poor health. Less active individuals are more likely to become abdominally obese. Resistance to exercise also promotes increase in belly fat and abdominal fat regain.
Fortunately for those who find it hard to keep belly fat away, procedures that help manage tummy fat are now available, such as abdominoplasty, or more commonly known as tummy tuck. This surgery tightens abdominal muscles and removes loose fat and skin from the abdominal area so that it appears flatter and more toned. In addition to a flatter stomach, tummy tuck also offers many health benefits like better posture and hernia relief, and reduced SUI or stress urinary incontinence. People who have undergone tummy tuck also find it easier to maintain weight loss.