Comprehensive interior basement_waterproofing solutions
Trouble with wet basements is very common. A foundation repair company can help with both exterior and interior basement waterproofing. When you let moisture or water get in through cracks or gaps in the wall or on the floor, there is a risk of permanent damage to the building structure. In addition to this mold and mildew may find a safe haven as well. In order to prevent any of this, waterproofing needs to be done by certified experts.
What kind of trouble are we looking at?
There will be indications to let you know that it’s time to consider repairing your basement and solving water leaking issues. Bleeding or sweating on the walls along cracks on both walls and floor is one way to know that waterproofing is immediately required. If the early signs are ignored then damp spots, paint peeling, mold growth, water seepage and a musty smell will follow making the basement unhealthy and unsafe to live or work in. There may be issues with the foundation that may be causing the problem, and if addressed in time it can prevent irreparable damages. This is where a foundation repair company can help you sort out the wet basement issues. They give you a comprehensive set of services which takes care of the water problems and makes your basement and foundation capable of withstanding further leakage issues.
Waterproofing solutions offered
First of all, the extent of the damage will be inspected by a civil engineer. The indications will be noted and a plan of action prepared. If required, foundation repair will also be done along with interior waterproofing. A sump pump may need to be installed if the building is located in an area prone to heavy rainfall or flooding. If there are moisture and humidity issues, a dehumidifier may also be added to keep the basement dry after it is repaired. The concrete floor surrounding the repair zone will be removed if the damage is contained. This is followed by installation of new drain tile and perforation of walls. A polymer board system is also installed and rivet attachment is done so that the water flows to the drain tile without any obstruction. These were the basic steps of interior basement waterproofing.
The solutions offered should be permanent since the investment will be huge. Regular maintenance or inspection may be necessary to address any waterproofing issues at the onset. Additional services are also available such as drain system product installation, exterior waterproofing by excavation of walls and taking the necessary steps to ensure complete waterproofing of foundation and basement. These services make the walls and floor of your basement damp proof and dry thereby preventing bulging walls or floor cracks.
To take advantage of the aforementioned interior basement waterproofing services you need to get in touch with a foundation repair company at the earliest. You don’t want to see the basement or the foundation of your building being damaged permanently by water leakage issues. Even though the investment may be high to get the repair work done, they will last for a lifetime.
Resource Box: Get in touch with a ( ) foundation repair company for ( ) interior basement waterproofing solutions.