The Best Engagement Ring is a Bespoke Ring

Author: Lisa Jeeves

If you have recently entered into the world of ring shopping, you might have dared to ask friends, family or even Mr Google just what attributes create the best engagement ring? The results will have, no doubt, sufficiently blown your mind and you may now be thinking that buying the perfect engagement ring is literally an impossible mission. There are however, a few key attributes such as unique, personalised and outstanding that probably came up quite frequently on your search and that you should bear in mind when choosing your ring. Arguably, these are not the easiest of elements to get right in your ring, but don’t despair. Read on to for advice on how to create your perfect engagement ring.

Join the Elite

Fortunately there is a simple and even enjoyable way of sourcing the elusive ‘perfect ring’ and that is to find a bespoke engagement ring designer to create it for you. Once believed to be a service only available to the wealthy and elite members of society, bespoke jewellery designers are actually more affordable and better value for money than you probably ever thought.

Customized for Uniqueness

The beauty of commissioning a bespoke ring is that you will immediately have the best engagement ring for you and one that is 100% unique and completely customised to suit your loved one’s style, preferences and character. You will benefit from the designer’s in-depth knowledge of gemstones, precious metals and settings as well as their creative eye for personalisation and exquisite detail.

The Artist’s Touch

Many bespoke ring designers are master craftsman and artists at heart, and the raw emotion and imagination that they put into their work truly does shine through. Not only do they create the best engagement rings, but they also stand by their work with pride and will assist with any adjustments or changes that you desire throughout the process and afterwards too.

Priceless Results

There is simply no other way to guarantee a completely unique engagement ring for your loved one. This beautiful process does require time, thought, and energy, but the result is worth every effort. To put it simply, the best engagement rings are ones that come from the heart and carry priceless sentimental value. A ring designed to symbolize your love, that features particular characteristics suited only to your loved one, shows just how great your commitment to that one person truly is.

Laura L Bolick is the founder of the F&L Designer Guides, compiled and written to help consumers choose the most unique and the best engagement ring designers in the UK. Offering advice, tips and suggestions on how to choose that perfect ring, F&L will accompany you on every stage of your search to find the right designer.