Homeopathy has natural remedies for vertigo

Author: Francine Kanter

If you are feeling dizzy at times or are losing your balance, then you might be suffering from vertigo. You might be wondering what exactly is vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom that refers to the sensation of spinning or whirling that occurs as a result of a disturbance in balance. Actually speaking, it is not a disease, but a sign of an underlying disease. There are many causes of vertigo. Disorders of the vestibular system, vestibular nerve, and the cerebellum are the most common factors. The other factors include head injury, migraine, cardiovascular disorders, multiple sclerosis, and other factors. The most common form of vertigo is Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The number of people using natural remedies for vertigo has increased as they are effective. They not only control the intensity and frequency of vertigo but also improve the general immunity of the patient.

Homeopathy medicines are safe, effective and without any side effects. The natural remedies for vertigo treat the person as a whole. Once you will discuss your condition with your homeopath practitioner, you will be given the remedy only after a full examination and case analysis, which will include your medical history, physical and mental constitution, etc.

If we go by the definition, vertigo is an artificial sensation that you or your surroundings are moving. The sensation is best described as spinning, whirling or moving vertically or horizontally. Vertigo attacks may be steady or intermittent and can last from seconds to many days. The other symptoms include blurred vision, feeling faint, hearing loss, nausea or vomiting, sweating or weakness. If you feel any of these symptoms or more, you should visit your homeopathy practitioner for natural remedies for vertigo.

Here are some of the top homeopathy remedies for vertigo

Conium - Conium is a remedy that suits especially the vertigo of aged and that arising from too much use of tobacco.

Iodine -Iodine is appropriate for old people who suffer from chronic congestive vertigo

Bromine -Bromine is suitable for those who have problem looking at running water

Ambra grisea -Ambra grisea is useful for nervous vertigo in old people

Ferrum metallicum -Ferrum metallicum works well in anaemic vertigo.

Natrum salicylicum -Natrum salicylicum is a remedy for auditory nerve vertigo

Bryonia –Bryonia is one of the natural remedies for vertigo. It treats gastric vertigo which is accompanied with nausea.

If you suffer from any vertigo condition, you should get in touch with a homeopath practitioner to suggest you best natural remedies for vertigo. The practitioner can also suggest you natural remedies for allergies, constipation and other health conditions.