4 types of non-immigrant esta online visa from U.S for getting tourist or business visa.

Author: Helen Marget

With regards to the non-immigrant visas for the sake of guests, there are about 4 types of ESTA VISAS. For short-term entry into the U.S,

B-1 visa ESTA visa:

B-1 visa is issued which may include any activities concerning business contracts, conference or even formal meetings. These visitors are not allowed to receive any payment for their work from U.S companies nor involve in any business transactions. In order to get a work permit in the U.S, one must obtain work visa by undergoing the necessary qualifying procedures.

B-2 ESTA visitor visa:

If one wishes to visit U.S for meeting their family, friends or even for a medical treatment, they would require a B-2 visa which is also called as tourist visitor visa. In certain occasions when the spouse have to accompany or any other companion, they too would need a B-2 visa. The 3rd type is a WT (waiver for a tourist) or a WB (waiver for small businesses).

Once the visitor lands in U.S, the validity of a B-1/B-2 visa can be extended beyond six months. They can also try migrating to an immigrant or non-immigrant status based on their eligibility.

Any non-immigrant under WT & WB categories who enters through a visa waiver program are completely exempt from a visa and need to apply for any visa before entering the united states. But, one must check whether they fall under the countries that are eligible for WT & WB. Though an immediate relative can get apply for migrating into another type of immigrant status, visitors under WB & WT cannot migrate their status. They are allowed only for a 90 day stay. A special I-94 type can be used by such travellers.

All applicants of this type of visa are expected to prove their eligibility by specifying their purpose of visit which may be restricted only to a medical treatment, pleasure trip or small business activities. They also would be needed to assure that they have a permanent residence outside of the intended country to be visited i.e U.S etc…, so that they can be sure that the applicant intends to return to their homeland.

Procedure for ESTA tourist visitor visa:

Applicants can apply at the Consulate or at the American Embassy with necessary documentation. It is easier to get a visa permit when applied from one’s own homeland than from another nation abroad.

One must fill the application form with all the accurate details that will correlate with the details in the passport of the applicant. To understand the procedures, you should contact the Embassy in your country because the procedures vary from country to country. While few Embassies would allow walk-ins, other Embassies may require you to book an appointment ahead.

One would need to be qualified as per the U.S law by being very specific about your intention of visit and also an assurance of your return. Your finances also must quantify to cover your expenses throughout the trip. Using USCIS, a visitor on B-1/B-2 can apply for extension by filing form I-539. You can apply for B1/B2 visa through ESTA online visa