Why you should clean your mattress and the right way to do it

Author: Eva Bowker

If an average person sleeps for 8 hours (or a third of his day) this means that a person spends a third of his life sleeping. Or 25 years if he lives 75 years. Or 219 000 hours. This is a lot of time. I’m sure you know how important getting a good sleep is and I’m sure you are paying extra attention to the quality of your pillow, mattress, and sheets. Maybe, you are following all the tips for a better sleep.

But are you cleaning your mattress properly? Most of the people forget to do it. Mattresses absorb dust, dead skin, sweat and I’m sure you don’t want to spend a third of your life on that. Follow this steps to provide yourself with a good night clean sleep:

Remove all sheets and bedding. Before starting the cleaning process, strip the bed and launder the linens.

Step 1. Vacuuming

After removing your mattress cover, you need to vacuum the mattress first. Work with the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner. Start vacuuming from the top of it and pay extra attention to the gaps between. Don’t forget to clean the sides too. This way you will remove pet hair, dust and dead skin from it

Step 2. Remove the stains

After vacuuming treat the stains on your mattress with appropriate cleaner. You can try a simple cleaning solution using 1 teaspoon mild dish detergent and 1 cup of warm water.

Step 3. Get rid of smells

Next, deodorize your mattress by sprinkling baking soda on top of the entire surface. Rub it carefully with a scrub brush. Leave it for at least 8 hours then vacuum again.

Pro Tip: Rotate your mattress from side-to-side and from top-to-bottom once a month. When you do so follow this guide and clean it properly.

Clean your bedroom regularly. Book a professional one-off cleaning service to be sure that your whole room is deep cleaned and sanitized. This will extend the life and will improve the good condition of your mattress for a long time.