An Introduction to Dentures Indianapolis

Author: Alester Brown

What are dentures?

Dentures are fake teeth which are fixed in the place of missing teeth. This is something which dates back to the history of time. During the nomadic days, people used the teeth of animals to fill in the gap that the missing teeth have created. This was used with wooden bases where the teeth were fixed on them and the entire thing was placed in the mouth. This gradually moved on to the use of human teeth from dead people. However, the quality of these dentures Indianapolis was not good because of the low maintenance and care. They did not know how to take care of them and thus, these dentures would not last for long.

What are the materials which are used in the making?

As technology improved, these dentures were replaced with artificial teeth like shapes. The first choice for this was that of porcelain. With the introduction of this material, the human teeth were eliminated and also the fixtures lasted for a longer time period. This was because people knew how to care for these fake teeth.

What are the designs in which they are made?

These come in the form of complete as well as partial dentures. Initially, the entire set of teeth was made into the complet However, it later evolved into the making of single dentures as well. These are merely used to bridge the gap between the two teeth. On the other hand, these partial fixtures can be temporary as well as permanent. The latter is one in which the teeth is fixed and cannot be removed on a daily basis. The complete dentures are the temporary ones which have to be removed during the night or while sleeping. These should be taken very good care of by following all the instructions that the dentist gives. These fixtures are also custom made according to the size of the teeth and thus, there is no problem with misfit fake teeth and so on. The dental clinics will also have labs of their own in which they will make the equipment and thus, they will not take a long time to give the delivery as well. Also, there are a lot of benefits of wearing this equipment as it brings utility to the mouth and thus, brings back the lost confidence in the person. Thus, it is made in a lot of designs.