Role of Insurance Company In Personal Injury Claim

Author: Kahn Roven

A Los Angeles auto accident lawyer will spend all his energies and tact on enabling his client to win the maximum compensation possible for his injuries and suffering. In direct contrast is the insurance company that will try every trick in the book to dismiss the claim or atleast, get away with the lowest payout.

The innocent and inexperienced plaintiff may not even be aware of the many shrewd and wile ploys used by the adjusters and lawyers representing the insurance company. Here’s a look at some of the common tactics –

  • Most insurance companies adopt the denial approach first. They simply refuse to accept that their client was at fault for the accident or injury. Several attempts are made to pin the blame on your own negligence so that you accept the explanation and drop the claim altogether. Another common gambit is to argue that the circumstances of the accident are not covered by the insurance policy at all.
  • When the insured person’s liability is clearly evident, insurance companies often contact the victim soon after the accident. You may be taken aback that they have approached you with a settlement offer on their own. However, they will quote a lowball amount hoping that you will be vulnerable and agree to it immediately without taking the complete extent of injury/damage into account. There’s no way you can back out or increase the damages once you have signed the settlement offer.
  • The claims adjuster representing the insurance company may even get in touch with you for gathering detailed information about ‘what really happened’ during the accident or injury. They act sympathetic to evoke your trust even as they cunningly record your statement or make you document it in writing. These kind of records can be used against you during the settlement or trial.
  • If you stand firm and decide to file a legal claim against the party at fault, the insurance company may try to embroil you in legal technicalities. They may bicker over the specific procedures, documents, evidence and other jargon. Unfortunately, failing to abide by the exact legal requirements can be your undoing.
  • It has come to light that insurance companies even try to intimidate the victims to accept a quick settlement or to drop the claim. You are quite likely to give in to the stress and fear and do as the insurance company tells you.
  • Even if the case goes to trial, the insurance company’s attorney may entangle you in confusing and repetitive questions. The intent is to make you slip on the details and show that you yourself are at fault for the injury.

What you need is a qualified and experienced Los Angeles auto accident lawyer on your side who is privy to the tactics and can safeguard your interests. They will ensure that you get the maximum compensation in tune with your physical and general damages.