Breast Reduction and Implants

Author: Raya Nanna

Breasts reduction is also known as reduction Mammoplasty and reduction Mammoplasty. It is a plastic surgery done to reduce the size of breasts. The most important thing in a breasts reduction surgery is the critical corrective consideration with regards to the tissue viability of the NAC i.e. nipple areola complex to re-establish a functional breasts that is appropriate to a woman’s body, height and weight and to ensure the lactation capability and functional sensitivity of the breasts. It has been found that there are three folds for breasts reduction and implants:

  • Psychological
  • Aesthetic
  • Physical

In almost all corrective practice, the praxis and the surgical techniques for breasts reduction are applied to breasts lift. The correction of women’s breasts is analogous, male breasts reduction procedure has no is no lactation Capability consideration.A breasts implant is a procedure of prosthesis which is used to correct the posture, texture, size and form of women’s breasts. During plastic surgery breasts implants are done for post mastectomy breasts reconstruction, for deformities of the chest wall and for improving congenital defects. It can also be done for developing breasts in the male to female transsexual patient and for aesthetic breasts augmentation. Breasts implant devices are found to be of 3 general types according to their filler material:

  • Silicone gel
  • Composite filler
  • Saline solution

The silicone implant comes with an Elastomer silicone shell which is filled with viscous silicone gel. The composition implant comes with miscellaneous fillers like polypropylene string, soy oil etc. The saline implant comes with an Elastomer silicone shell which is filled with sterile saline solution.

In common surgical practice, the tissue expander device is used for the reconstruction of the breasts as temporary breast prosthesis to establish and create an implant pocket for placing the breast implant permanently. In male breasts defects and deformities, the correction is done by the pectoral implant. It is the prosthesis which is used to reconstruct and to do aesthetic repair of a Male chest wall.

Some answers to the most frequently asked question by the experts in this field:

Q) Are implants always used with breast reduction?

Michele Manahan from johns Hopkins medicine answered as no implants are not used with breasts reduction in fact these are two completely different things. Breast augmentation i.e. breast implants are used to make breasts look bigger whereas breasts reduction is done to make it look smaller appropriate to body’s height, shape and weight. Casey from intermountain says implants are sometimes used and sometimes not used with breasts reduction. He says implants are used sometimes if during breasts reduction procedure much tissue was removed and it gave unsatisfactory results. In such cases, implants can be placed as a cosmetic procedure only after breasts have completely healed after the reduction surgery.

Stuart Linder from plastic and reconstructive surgery said implants are not used with breasts reduction. Breasts reduction is done to reduce the breast and adding implants to large breasts will not help in cases of neck pain, back pain, rashes under breasts etc.