Ghana Business –A Great and InexpensiveWay to Setupa Business or Trade in a Business-Friendly Enviro
During the process ofexploring or planningto enter the African market, we discovered that it is morecomplicatedand expensive than we ever imagined.It is animportant stepin your overall planning to find the best and trusted advisors. If you think you have sufficient funds for the investment but have not considered all the government "red tape" and the statutory capital required by the local government to demonstrate you have the financial ability to enter the African market, you need an expert to guide you. You will save hundreds of thousands of dollars and much aggravation and stress by hiring a trusted expert to guide you.Compare the statutorily required capital of a wholly owned African business of $500,000.00 to the cost of using the expertise of the Law Office of John F. Blevins and their consultants, ($30,000.00 - $50,000 maximum, depending on the industry). Yes, all permits, licenses, (government capital requirements are not applicable), compliance monitoring, accounting and complete business setup for one fixed cost.
We will guide you every step of the way during the establishment and ongoing operation of your African business. You will have complete management authority over your business without interference. You also keep all your revenue and profits. We will only advise on compliance and make sure you operate within the laws of the African country.
Once you decide to move forward with the setup and establishment of your African enterprise, we handle the rest. You can spend your valuable time doing what you do best, running your business enterprise.Our advisors have years of business and banking expertise in Africa. Our advisors provide you everything you need to start your business without the worry of "Am I paying too much or am I going to be asked for more money during the process?" That never happens when you hire the Law Office of John F. Blevins and their team of trusted advisors. We are a U.S. based law firm and all contracts entered in with you are made under U.S. You never have to fear the unknown of the African government systems or the "trusted" African advisors.
With the right processes of doing Business in Ghana or any other African country in place,you receive thehelp you need when you need it, to know where and how you should make yourinvestment.
There areplenty of benefits getting help from the Law Office of John F. Blevins and their team. If you want to insure your investment, get a worry-free start to your African business, EMAIL us for a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION. You will be glad you did. Spend your hard-earned investment capital on marketing and successful operation of your business, not needless and wasteful capital outlay and "tips" to government officials, that you will soon discover is required under most African government foreign business regulations and bureaucracy.
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