Everyone has a tale to tell the world!

Author: Zorba Books

A piece of writing only gains identity when it is published. Therefore the world of book publishing is evergreen.

The very first thing that comes to an author’s mind is how to make his words public. Until the work is printed, it does not exist. With the rapid growth in technology, we have seen quick growth in the publishing industry too. For an author, especially a first-time author it has become extremely difficult to choose the right company to publish a book. In India and across the globe, one is bound to agonise in finding the right publisher for his/her book. This article provides a glimpse into the world of publishing so that aspiring authors can choose the right publishing house based on their needs.

With more and more authors coming to the fore to publish their books, book publishing industry is trying to keep pace with a wide range of branches. The two most prominent ones being traditional publishing and self-publishing.

In traditional publishing, the control of the publication is shared with the publisher. The publisher bears the costs of designing, editing, and distribution, and also reaps a good share of the profit. The book enjoys the popularity of the publishers brand name. The publishing the houses can insist on changes in the manuscript based on their analysis and judgement. The authors need not worry about the sales as the company takes care of it. However, getting a manuscript accepted by a traditional company is a painstakingly long process and often ends up rejected.

To cater to the growing impatience of a newbie author, self-publishing companies, have emerged. To enable more authors to accomplish their dreams of publishing their books. In self-publishing, the author remains in the driving seat and he/she has complete control over all the steps of publication. The work stands very little chance of getting rejected. While the author has to pay for the publishing process, he/she gets to enjoy maximum profit as royalty. With professional self-publishing companies coming to the fore, authors need not bear the pain of executing the publishing processes all by themselves. The company take the entire responsibility of publication and also consults with the authors at every step.

Both traditional and self-publishing have their benefits as well as grey areas. But in both the cases, the aim is to promote the authors creative output, his book.

Book publishing companies celebrate the passion for reading and writing in the best way possible!