Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Antivirus Software
Internet has made our lives so simple and easy. There are many things which are easily available in a single click. With the advancement of technology there is a growth in various crimes. You always have to worry about your personal information and data. So antivirus software being a necessary requirement for your computer is a worth installing.
As antivirus program provides a genuine protection to your data and information form malware, spywares, which likely get affected if you don’t have any antivirus program in your PC. Therefore you need to install antivirus software in your PC immediately before browsing on internet or visiting any dangerous sites which provide path to these viruses to enter into your computer. Nowadays protection of your PC has become much easier with the advent of free antivirus software but there are advantages as well as disadvantages of the same. In this article we will discuss about the pros and cons of using a free antivirus program.
- Free Trails: Many software companies are providing free antivirus program on internet, which you just need to download and install. Some are with the option to upgrade the software which offers you better protection with some other features. Free software is easy to download and have special features which give your PC a complete protection. Here you have an option to try the software first before you decide which you should opt according to your systems need. If you are not satisfied with any particular program you would have to uninstall the previous program first before you install the other.
- Pricing Issues: Many a times people do not install software because of pricing issues as some of the antivirus software programs are too costly. Here you do not have an option to choose which software is good for your system. It might happen that the program you bought for your PC is not doing well according to your expectations. Free antivirus program gives you basic protection which you need while browsing sites safely and secures your personal information and data. Therefore for an average internet user using free antivirus software will work fine with you.
- Disadvantages:
- Frequent Upgrade Notifications: Free software is merely a trial version. This includes time limit of the trial. However using a free trial doesn’t bring good outcomes, when you are poked each time you work on internet. These are the upgrade prompts, for the program you have installed free. It demands you to install upgraded version of the advanced program for the better security and features. These pokes generally slow down your work when they come at frequent. Therefore to avoid all these obstructions one would like to go with the paid program.
- Lesser Protection: Using a free antivirus program gives you only some basic protection. It can be good for a normal internet user. But for the person who handle his entire business online needs to take secure steps. In case of dangerous and high level of threats a free antivirus program fails to provide you that level of security. For that you definitely need to download an advanced version of the anti-malware which is generally paid.