Organ India-Film on Brain Death

Author: Organ India

The Organ Receiving & Giving Awareness Network (ORGAN) India, more commonly called as ORGAN India, is an initiative by The Parashar Foundation that works towards creating awareness about organ transplantation and donation. It started when Parasher Foundation founder’s wife fell sick and needed heart transplantation. That time Parashar foundation was already working for the welfare of underprivileged children. At that time, they got to understand how hard it is to get the organs for transplantation. They had to wait for four months and the operation took place in Chennai. Having resources and time in hand, they could do it and save her life, but there are many people in need of an organ transplant but have no means to get organs or pay for the operations. Organ India provides monetary and moral help to such people, along with creating awareness about the same, so as to make more and more organs available.

India desperately needs a Paradigm shift in the thought-process of the general public who has this notion that only cremation can help the soul attain true salvation. But there is so much more to offer even after a person is gone. An organ is probably the biggest gift you can ever imagine of giving someone in need. And even before the body gets cold and stiff, it could be lifeless for quite some time, especially in the people who have suffered serious head injuries and strokes. This condition is called brain death. In this, the brain dies, but the heart and other organs could live for a little longer owing to the artificial oxygen supply to the system in the hospital. Organ India has made a Film on Brain Death with the help of a well-known neurologist who explains this condition in detail. One must know and understand that brain death is the real death of the person and there is no way back to life from this point. But there is still a chance that the organs are good enough for use, and these can be transplanted to someone in dire need of organ transplantation.

If considering the statistics regarding liver transplant in India, against an annual requirement of 2,00,000 LTs, Indian doctors could perform a dismal 500 in 2009 and 750 in 2010, according to a review article published in Indian Journal of Transplantation 2011 (the center for liver disease and transplantation center article). And all of us are well aware of the dreadful situation that currently dominates the medical world when it comes to pancreas transplant in India. Here also, only a very tiny fraction of patients ever get pancreas to be transplanted from the pool of thousands of patients every year. With statistics speaking such numbers, it is almost impossible to ever be able to get over this problem. The only thing that could help is a voluntary donation from all of us, and to really get to that, everyone needs to be aware of what and how it can be done.