4 Ways Courier Jobs Can Provide Fulfilling Work

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Job satisfaction is a sought after, if somewhat elusive, goal. We look for a range of rewards from our work, including money, a work-life balance, respect, and a happy workplace – just to name a few. Some careers have a reputation of being tougher than others, just as some have a reputation of providing greater than normal job satisfaction.Working in transportation may not seem to one of these latter industries, yet, despite the fast-pace required for delivery work, there are reasons why a job in this field can be very fulfilling.

The small victories

One of the leading obstacles to job satisfaction is the inability to mark success. Those who see their work as an unending conveyer belt of tasks with no end and no regular signs of completion or success are likely to feel deflated and uninspired. However, those who have courier jobs may have the chance to indulge in self-congratulation each time a package is handed over, an order is signed, and a hand is shaken! The clear end-point of each delivery affords a chance to feel a sense of achievement, however small, on a regular basis.

The time management

Managing time can be the bane of some people’s working lives. The never-ending mound of tasks in your to-do pile and the demands on your life can make time management seem like an impossible fantasy. But those who work in courier jobs know that the success of their company, whether it is large conglomerate or a small freelance agent, depends on getting deliveries to places on time. By doing this repeatedly, people who deliver by truck, car, bike or any means of conveyance can feel that unique sense of smugness that comes from being in control of the schedule, rather than being bowed under its unreasonable expectations.

The people

Most people work better with the right people around them! Working on courier jobs may feel like an isolating career, however, despite long hours spent on the road, drivers will usually work from a depot with a team of people to support and encourage them. The reward of a smile, handshake or brief conversation from a customer will also bring satisfaction.

The skill development

No matter how comfortable it may feel to be at the top of your game in your field, there is a unique sense of achievement gleaned from learning a new skill. The wavering sense of being out of your depth at first, then your first series of moments when understanding dawns, until the time you are happily aware that you have mastered a new task - these can all be gained while working on courier jobs. Whether it is communication skills or driving skills, you'll have plenty of chances to improve in your work - and this brings a unique motivation to your career path.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.