Thinking of Making Your Own E-juices? Read This Guide to Help You Make the Right Choices

Author: Henry Roberts

Making your own ejuices can be a lot of fun. It’s also incredibly easy to get it wrong. Today, we have written this guide to help you make the best choices when making your e-juices. This guide will help to keep you safe and ensure that you make some great choices.

Where to Source Your Ingredients

This is the most important factor that you need to pay attention to. The ingredients that you need are readily available online, but they are not all equal. They come in varying degrees of quality.

If you are making juices in the UK, then you need to ensure that you stick to the legislation. This means that all of your ingredients need to be at least food grade, but we would recommend taking that one-step further and only buying pharmacy-grade ingredients.

The reason for this is safety. The non-food grade options are not fit for human consumption and are instead intended for use in other products, such as shampoo and moisturiser.

Make sure that you are sourcing your ingredients from the UK and not from outside of the EU or North America. Other countries, e.g. China, do not have the same regulations that we have and they can make false advertising claims. For instance, they can say that an ingredient is pharmacy grade, but this is not necessarily the case.

While it might be illegal in their countries to do that, they know if they're selling internationally that they are unlikely to be caught, so stick to the UK, EU, or North America to be safe.

This isn't to say that ingredients from other countries are necessarily bad, just that the guarantees are less stringent.

Buying Nicotine

There have been some high profile cases in the UK of children getting hold of pure nicotine and becoming ill. There have also been cases of people spilling their nicotine on their skin and feeling ill.

For this reason, we recommend that you only ever buy diluted nicotine. You must still handle it with care (wear protective clothing and gloves) and ensure that it is kept locked away from children, but it is still much safer than pure nicotine.

Steeping Flavours

If you're looking to recreate your favourite flavour, e.g. you love Fantasi e liquid, you might try sourcing all of the same ingredients, but when you come to vape it, the juice doesn’t taste right – it might even taste completely different.

When this happens, it’s usually an issue with steeping. Steeping is the equivalent of brewing. You leave the liquid alone for a week or two for the flavours to develop. The longer you steep, the deeper the flavour.

We recommend that you keep notes of the various tastes as you steep. If you discover that your juice tastes the closet to Fantasi e liquid after two weeks, then write it in your notes. This way, you will know when you come to create the juice again just how long it takes to reach its ideal flavour profile.