How Wholesale Distributors Can Reinvent Themselves with Hybris Commerce

Author: Sandeep Arora

Competitive market demands are pushing wholesale distributors to evolve faster, increase efficiency, and—in light of experience-driven success—provide consumers with more meaningful and memorable customer experiences. For years, decades even, distributors have mainly relied and thrived on cultivating strong relationships with existing customers. While this may have worked for the longest time, the shifting demands of the new millennium are asking for so much more than great relationships. Success in wholesale distribution nowadays is no longer just based on your ability to break bulk and maintain good relationships with existing consumers. In the midst of margin pressure, industry consolidation, and highly empowered consumers, how can wholesale distributors reinvent themselves as a standout industry player? The best answer: technology; and here enters Hybris Commerce.

Modern consumers are hyper-connected and hyper-stimulated. With more options and freedom to buy than ever before, businesses must find a way to meet their expectations of an integrated, holistic, and seamless customer experience. For this, you need customer experience management tools such as Hybris Commerce, which will enable you to build, create, and maintain content-rich engagement.

Perhaps the most significant trends that are shaping wholesale distribution today include the rapidly changing technology and increased competition from unconventional resources, both of which are contributing to a higher bar set by demanding consumers—increasing populations of which, are digital natives. To stay current and relevant, you as a distributor, need to adapt to these consumer expectations and needs.

One crucial aspect of customer engagement you need to pay attention to is contextual engagement, which requires more personal and direct interaction with individual consumers/clients, delivering personalized offers and relevant content with the help of data-driven technologies in order to attract, win, and retain business. Leading distributors today use digital technologies such as Hybris Commerce in order to create, deliver, and maintain meaningful customer experiences, transforming themselves into digitally savvy service providers.

In order for you to survive in this constantly evolving and increasingly digital business world, it is imperative that you re-think your business models and processes and find newer and better ways to maximize the use of your vast wealth of information to sustain relevance in your niche. Staying ahead of your competitors requires quick responses to the changing expectations of consumers, employees, and industry players. Your agility in adapting to more seamless processes and business models will help you create newer and better revenue streams, which will ultimately help you create more successful and profitable wholesale distribution channels.