Highs and Lows of Living in Sacramento

Author: Shaun Alston

Relocating can be a daunting task. Much research is definitely needed to ensure packing up and moving won’t lead to regrets later. Sacramento is a river city, situated on the South Bank of the Sacramento River. Before contacting any Sacramento area realtors, first consider the pros and cons of living in Sacramento, California.


The cost of living in Sacramento is much lower than in other areas of California. Sacramento is centrally located, so places like San Francisco and Tahoe are a short drive away. It's one of the most diverse cities in the world. Some people say it's more family friendly than the larger cities.

Being a big agricultural area, a lot of good produce is available. For history buffs, it's also near the foothills where Sutter's Mill is located (where the California Gold Rush started). The Sierra, Nevada mountains are only 40 minutes to the East, where you can enjoy hiking, camping, and beautiful mountain views.


The heat! Summertime in Sacramento can get very hot--sometimes in the triple digits. Compared to the Bay Area or Southern California, there aren't many high-paying jobs. So if you don't already have a job lined up it might be tough finding decent work. Although, there is an overflow of technology companies trying to escape the expense of the Bay Area for less expensive living, you can find a job that pays well if you have the right skillset.

There are basically three freeways in the metro area approaching 3 million in population. So sitting in traffic is a possibility. Since Sacramento is a farming area, pollen can be a problem for people with bad allergies. Pollution from the Bay Area often gets blown throughout these parts, which makes the air quality worse.

A Great Place to Live

Sacramento is a great place to live for anyone who likes a laid back environment. The fresh food, acceptable cost of living, and lively people makes for a more comfortable feel for a family or a single person.

Yeah, Sacramento is hot, but not too hot to turn its residents away. And with the option to visit the bigger cities nearby or go camping in the mountains (all within driving distance) or see the Sacramento Kings play, there’s no reason to be bored. As for jobs, more tech companies are arriving every day and introduces the opportunity for more well-paying jobs.

When it comes to Sacramento area realtors, Eagle Realty is a good place to contact for more information.

About the Author:

This article is written by Eagle Realty. Owner/broker Shaun Alston is a member of the Masters Club, which means he is in the top 10% in Real Estate Sales in the state of California.