Commercial Glass Shower Door Cleaner and Maintenance Products

Author: Pfokus Pfokus

In order to maintain a healthy shower, it is important to keep the shower door neat and clean. However beautiful the floor and walls might be, existence of hard water dots, soap scum and etching on the glass shower door will certainly ruin the beauty of the shower. Ever wondered what exactly are those stubborn

water spots over the glass door? Hard water consists of calcium and magnesium which forms stubborn dots on the shower glass surface. Further, we will introduce you to the best quality commercial glass cleaner to eliminate stains and soap scum in no time.

Benaz – An Incredible Etching, Soap Scum and Water Spots Remover

1. Benaz is an extravagantly engineered and extremely durable etching, soap scum and water spots

remover. It delivers an astonishingly clear resolution by lifting tough stains and etching, without

damaging the integrity of the glass.

2. This commercial glass cleaner consists of power packed cleaning molecules, finer powder and

boosted strength. It comes with a scratch free pad which will assist you in conveniently wiping

out stains and soap scum from the glass.

3. If you have a cultured marble basin along with shower glass doors, then Benaz is a must buy for

you. Benaz, unlike other cheap epoxy or chemical laden cleaners, doesn’t peel and wear off the

cultured marble surface. You can get rid of stains and soap scum from your glass and cultured

marble for a fraction of the cost with Benaz.

Meet Valore Glass Sealer

4. Once you make your shower glass door spotlessly clean, there is one more step which will help

you maintain that dazzle for a longer time. A glass sealer is essential because, the shower glass is

still subjected to hard water which will form hard dots if the surface is not sealed efficiently.

Applying a sealant on the glass will prevent it from future staining and etching.

5. Valore- is a robust glass sealant formulated to keep away water stains and etching from depleting

the quality and beauty of the shower glass.

Valore Maintenance – A Cleaner-Sealer Combo to Prevent Future Damage

6. pFOkUS understands that cleaning a stained shower glass door all by yourself can be a burden.

Therefore, pFOkUS’ scientists designed an exclusive glass shower door cleaner which will

spectacularly cut short the efforts of cleaning and scrubbing the glass regularly.

7. Once you seal your shower glass with Valore glass sealer, you can use Valore glass shower door

cleaner which will make water sheet off from the surface and delivers an astonishing look to the

glass after each use.

If you wish to efficiently restore the beauty of your shower glass door, all by yourself, without using

squeegees, scrubs or respirators then it is important to include Benaz and Valore in your restoration

process. To buy these products, visit @ or call @ 404.551.3308.