Taking Care of Pearls: Reasons and Tips

Author: Rohit Agarwal

Pearls are iconic and classy. No matter how lustrous their surface might be, they are quite delicate by nature. It does not matter whether the pearl sets that you so dearly shopped for have simulated or cultured gems, without proper care, they may not retain their usual quality. Thus, it is important for you to learn about keeping them clean without ruining them.

Why there is a need for caring of pearls?

Pearls require highly delicate procedures to prepare, whether artificially or naturally. A small particle, bead, or seed is capped in a lustrous substance called nacre that is emitted by a mollusk. This coating of nacre, which is very soft, is the primary reason behind the fragile surface of a pearl.

In addition, a pearl’s thickness depends upon the type of mollusk, its habitat, and the time until it stays in that place without being disturbed. With increase in the nacre over the surface of a pearl, its quality also elevates. With delicate and thin nacre, a pearl can easily chip off that may lead to cracks and gaps on its surface. This may even leave the pearl completely deteriorated from its surface, leaving you with just dull-looking bead. Even plastic and fake glass pearls also require special care as they too have a coating over them. So, whether your Pearl sets have real or artificial pearls, proper care is an absolute must.

Tips to clean your pearl set

  • You may want to wear pearl jewelry after applying your perfume and makeup to avoid ruining their delicate surface.
  • Application of body and hand creams should be done only after taking off pearl rings and ornaments.
  • Always use a soft cloth free from lint to wipe your pearls immediately after taking them off for removing any residue or body oil from them. You can either use a dry cloth or dampen it a little with water. If you prefer a wet cloth, then make sure to store the pearl trinkets safely after they are air dry.
  • If your pearls have become dirty, then use water and mild soap solution to clean them gently.
  • Remember that you never place your pearls under water. You should always prefer a lint-free and dampened cloth with a mild soap solution.
  • Avoid using harsh and ammonia-based detergents and solutions to clean the surface.
  • Another cleaner to avoid cleaning with is an ultrasonic one. This particular cleaner vibrates vigorously while cleaning a surface, which can easily damage the nacre-based coating of a pearl.
  • Avoid rubbing pearls with abrasive cleaners or polish them with a rough cloth. These can also ruin its surface.
  • Remember to not be too frequent with the cleaning. Too much cleaning of pearls can easily chip off the coating from their body.
  • You can add in one or two drops of body oil to reinstate a pearl’s shine.

Your precious pearl sets definitely need special care so that they can retain their shine. So, make sure that you follow the above tips to keep them safe.