4 Reasons You Should Try Energy Healing (Singapore)

Author: Vikki Tear

Unlike other flowers, the lotus is capable of growing through mud. From the bottom of a murky pool, it slowly rises toward the surface, bursting out of the water in full bloom. As each petal is unfurled, not even a small spot of mud can be found because ironically, the same dirty water washes it clean as it emerges.

The lotus is an uplifting reminder of what you are capable of becoming despite muddy circumstances, be it abuse, trauma or uncertainty. Instead of deterring your growth, the murky waters you feel stuck in could wash you clean of negativity, revealing a beautiful and better version of you. You could bloom through adversity, but only if you choose to release the inhibitions you’ve set upon yourself.

Look into yourself with honesty. Are you hindering your own growth? Do you mull over the past, practice negative self-talk or foster unhealthy habits? If you answered yes to any of these self-harming acts, energy healing (Singapore) is a modality you should try.

  • It unblocks your energy field making you feel lighter and happier.

The longer you hold on to damaging thoughts and emotions, the longer blockages also stay stuck in your energy field. All that low energy remaining stagnant in your body will cause more than just physical pain. Until they are cleared away, you will be dragging the emotional burden around like an invisible ball and chain.

Energy healing pulls blockages out in a quick and effective manner. In fact, a few Emotion Code sessions could bring you the significant change you never thought was possible. No work or effort is required on your end. An open mind is all it takes to start this blissful and carefree journey.

  • It allows deep relaxation by removing stress and tension.

Nowadays, relaxation has become a luxury. As you face stress on a daily basis, tension gradually builds within you. At some point, you start to feel drained and end up being unproductive, with a to-do list filled with unaccomplished tasks.

During a session, your negative trapped emotions are cleared out one by one. As these negative vibrations (negative ‘Qi’) are released from your mind and body, the old clutter and emotional baggage are slowly lifted off from you. Session after session, you will start to notice yourself feeling lighter, happier and more at peace with yourself.

  • It clears away mental blocks.

When facing muddy situations, it is common to experience mental blocks. With so much going on inside your mind, you lose focus as well as sound decision-making skills. It affects not only your career but also your relationships. People you care for feel as though you are emotionally absent even when you are physically present.

Free yourself from these mental blocks. Start being present and actually start living. Remove that barricade of negativity through energy healing (Singapore). You only have one life to live and by giving mental blocks permission to gain control, you are missing out on so much happiness.

  • It releases repressed emotions and unhealthy thought patterns.

In time, unexpressed emotions are stored in the body tissue. Ruminating over the painful past or scary future results to what yogis call as monkey chatter in the mind. When this mental noise goes on without you taking appropriate measures, it creates a blockage in your energy field.

This blockage acts like a dam, which keeps a river of energy from flowing freely. And when energy can’t flow effectively through the various meridians, physical and mental illnesses begin to surface. See an energy healer today. Do not wait until these emotions and thought patterns would bring even more suffering.

How Urban Mind Can Help You Change Your Life

Do you want to change your life for the better? Are you ready to bloom into the best version of you? At UrbanMind, we can work together to positively change your life. We follow a precise and effective energy healing technique based on The Emotion Code, authored by renowned holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson. If you haven’t yet, claim your complimentary consultation today. Get in touch with us online or give us a call.