Getting Rid Of Itching Beard

Author: Beard Ornaments

Are you one of those guys who wanted to sport a long and thick beard, but left your passion for a beard because of constant and annoying itching? Never mind, you are not the only guy who skipped trying to keep a beard because of itching. In fact, constant itching is one of the top reasons why many guys give up on growing that luxurious and masculine beard. Nothing to feel bad about it guys because itching can get to your head, but there's a solution to every problem and best natural beard oil may very well be the solution to this common problem.

The first 3-4 weeks that you're trying to grow your beard are often the most uncomfortable. The itchiness that accompanies the initial stages of growing beard can be so severe that it can make many guys swear that they'll never grow the beard again. Even though the itching is not going to stay for long, most men fail to go beyond this stage to the other side where a softer beard awaits them. If you've tried to grow a beard but failed in it, here are some simple techniques to alleviate your beard itch.

  1. Cleaning Your Beard: During initial few weeks of trying to grow a beard, you're going to experience the most discomfort because it is the time when new beard hair is growing and its sharpness can cause relentless itching. It can get to the point where you scratch your beard all day long. Thousands of dead skin cells shed from our face daily, but new beard prevents these dead skin cells from falling and holds them close to the skin which causes irritation and itching. Use a good quality beard shampoo that will help with flaking of the skin, soothe the skin, removes dead skin cells and eliminates that annoying itch.
  2. Repairing Your Beard: If you already have a well-grown beard that still itches, there are good chances that it can be from the damage due to the usage of harsh soaps or heat styling causing the discomfort. Your beard hair damage spread from the tip to the root. The damage results in slow hair growth and also causes irritation in the scalp. Use a good quality best organic beard oil to heal damaged hair by absorbing its ingredients. The healing process repairs the beard hair.
  3. Conditioning Your Beard: Just like the hair on your head, your beard hair also needs to be conditioned if you seek to have that downy and soft feel. Don't make a mistake of using your head hair conditioner for your beard because it contains harsh chemicals which are not suitable for sensitive facial skin. A good quality beard hair conditioner contains anti-tangling agents to ensure tangle-free and smooth beard hair.

Coming to conclusion, you can get rid of initial beard itching and manage to get through the other side of beard itching by trying aforementioned techniques which are quite easy to implement and follow.