Four Proven Tips to Kickstart SEO for Your New Website

Author: Jason Simers

The importance of SEO in ensuring brand visibility in the online space could not be further emphasized. The more seasoned websites fully understand the importance of investing resources in SEO to gain improved online rankings. Newbie websites created by Orange County web development services often have an uphill task when competing with more seasoned websites in their area of specialization for the global audience. How then do new websites get ranked online and what makes them appear on Google or any other search engine for that matter?

Build External Links

Online networks are built by having links. Google can discover and index websites by making them appear in search engines with the use of links. This means that if you uploaded a new website today without linking it to another site, Google would not know of your site’s existence. The first step of SEO is building an external link. Have someone in a related field link to your site and this way you can at least appear in search engine results.

Check Your Site’s Settings

There are different ways in which SEO can be used to improve your website’s visibility on a search engine. For you to completely take advantage of the different SEO tactics, however, you have to ensure that your site has the right settings. Check your site for the no-index setting. If it’s activated, you probably want to deactivate it as it tells Google to ignore your site or pages within your site when indexing. The no-index setting could still be left on for those pages that do not hold crucial information. Pages such as Contact Us, About Us, and the Products or Services page should be checked to ensure that the no-index setting is deactivated.

Do Your Keyword Research

Keywords are important in determining what search engines associate your site with. This, in turn, affects your rankings and the results you show up in. It is therefore necessary to look into the keywords that best suit your website and incorporate them into your site’s content. Think about your target audience and what they would probably be searching for to stumble upon your site. List down the words and phrases you think they are likely to use. Now go online and ask your potential audience what they would associate a site similar to yours with (social media is actually a good source of this type of information). Take time for searching the potential keywords you generated and those generated by the audience in different search engines and see what pops up. Rate the kind of sites that you get in results in terms of relevance and decide which works best for you. Doing this also helps gauge your competition online.

Work On Your Content

Now that you have the right settings with the help of Orange County web development services, external links, and the right keywords, it is time to come up with the right content. Your content should be both entertaining (it should make your readers want to come back for more) and interactive. It should be structured in such a way that it makes work easier for your audience to discern the main message. Remember to use the keywords when writing.

If you want to hire an SEO Company In Orange County, the author of this article suggests Flying V Group.