How often should you invest in pest and termite inspection in perth?
Termites and insects are silent killers for any property. They can sneak in undetected and wreak havoc in the structure you live or work in, and in most cases property owners only get a whiff that something is wrong when it is too late. Property maintenance gurus and professional structural engineers recommend regular pest and termite inspections carried out on your premises to catch an infestation early on and prevent extensive damage from occurring. How often should you invest in pest and termite inspection in Perth? Well…that is a question best answered in terms of what your plans with your property are. Here are some pointers that will help you in making the right call:
When you buy a new place
Investing in a pest and termite inspection is a prudent choice when you are planning on buying a new property in Perth. Infestations have a knack of remaining undiscovered for years and you don’t want to put your money into a new purchase that has been rendered weak and hollow from the inside. Inspections cost money, yes, but that is a small price to pay to secure the huge investment you are about to make while purchasing a new place.
Every 1 to 2 years
If the property in question is currently being used or maintained by you, experts recommend running a full-scale pest and termite inspection by the hands of Perth based professionals every 1 to 2 years. You may find some suggestions to wait for 5 years or so before your next inspection but that may be too long a time gap, giving pests ample amount of time to build their nests and spread over to other parts of your property. The alternate year inspection schedule works well when you wish to catch infestations before they take hold.
When you see a problem
It is also a good time to invest in a pest and termite inspection in Perth when you start to notice any signs of damage around your property. Warping of wooden beams or saw dust on your walls and floor are tell-tale signs of an infestation that you should be on a look out for. You might also hear odd noises or witness animal faeces around your place if there is an unwanted critter living with you.
When you sell your place
Of course, your buyer will want to get an inspection done on your property himself, but you don’t want him to unearth an infestation that you weren’t aware of to begin with. These situations can lead to major losses in terms of devalued property prices and a bad name in the market. To avoid facing such embarrassment, try getting an inspection done of your own accord. This will genuinely be money well spent.
There you have it – just follow the above pointers to know when the time is right to get a pest and termite inspection done on your Perth property.
About the Author:
Choice Building Inspections WA are Perth’ most trusted Building and Pest Inspection company. The inspectors boast over 125 years combined experience in the building industry. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and communication, expertise knowledge and easy to understand reports which exceed Australian Standards AS4349.1 and 4349.3.