Ethical hacking training, cyber security

Author: Mohan Kumar

INDIAN CYBER ARMY is a Registered Non Profit Organization & RESOURCE CENTER for Police, Investigation Agencies, Research Centers, Ethical Hackers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders & Individuals together to fight against intelligence threats and cyber crimes.

  • About Membership:
Army is more than simply a group of Ethical Hackers and professionals working in Information Security and Ethical Hacking to help Nation in combat cyber crimes & attacks.It is a resource center for National Police Agencies, Intelligence Agencies, Research Centers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders along with Individuals, who together create a powerful network where you’ll find the resources & assistance in cyber threats. They share your dedication to the field, as well as the opportunities and challenges you face.

Know More: About Membership

  • Members Benefits

Being a member of Indian Cyber Army makes a strong statement about who you are, and what you stand for. Some of the rationale and benefits which we trust will provide compelling reasons for companies to join the ICA include:


Access to Indian Cyber Army Knowledge Portal, Forums, Blogs and Members Communities for Collaboration, sharing of information and Maintaining Standard practices amongst members and law enforcement organizations, which will lead to combat cyber crimes and Attacks.

Read More: Members Benefits

  • Acceptable Ethics

A Member of the ICA shall:

  • Use the codes of practice conveyed by the INDIAN CYBER ARMY from time to time in carrying out his tasks,

  • Not misuse his authority or office for personal gains,

  • Comply with the Indian laws regarding the management of his organisation particularly with regard to Privacy and Piracy, and operate among the spirit of those laws,

  • Conduct his affairs so as to uphold project and further the image and reputation of the INDIAN CYBER ARMY,

  • Maintain integrity in research and publications.

Read More: Acceptable Ethics

Membership Levels:

  • Professional Member:- If you have already done Certification in Ethical Hacking.

  • Associate Member:- If you have not done any Certification in Ethical Hacking

Read More: Membership Levels.

  • Professional Membership: Rs. 2499 (Membership Fee for 3 Years) + Rs. 3000 (Skills Testing Fee) = Rs. 5499/-

  • Associate Membership: Rs. 2499 (Membership Fee for 3 Years) + Training Fee (depends on course you choose)

  • Become a Member

You can choose various methods to get empaneled in ICA after you have selected a domain.

You can request for training in a specific domain of Indian Cyber Army. All training programs are boot-camp style with hands-on sessions!

Becoming a member of ICA, You can contribute for the security of the Nation in this digital erena & help the people to keep them safe from cyber criminals.

So, if you are an ethical hacker or have any profession related to the field of cyber security, then why not to make your efforts and give contribution for the security of nation. Join with us and Let’s make the country cyber-crime free & securing digital India.