3 SEO Trends to Prepare Yourself for in 2018

Author: Aidan Taylor

Search engine optimization is a requirement for any business that wants its website or social media accounts to rank high on Google or other search engines. Trends in SEO change often, and it is important that you and any LA SEO company that you hire stay on top of changes to ensure your page continues to rank. You can expect to see the following trends in 2018.

Voice Search Will Become More Common

People are using their smartphones and tablets to search while they're on the go. Typing on tiny keyboards can be daunting and is downright impossible if searching while driving. Currently, more than half of all teens and 40 percent of adults use their devices' voice search features every day. Because voice searchers are more likely to ask a question than to use a simple query fragment, your keywords will need to reflect the change. When doing keyword research, check for those that are in question form. Even if they aren't currently ranking highly, they will likely climb the charts in coming months.

Backlinks Will Not Always Include Links

Any LA SEO company with a good reputation understands the importance of linking to reputable sources and your own content for SEO purposes. However, as search engines journey into 2018, linkless mentions will become just as important. While you still want to use backlinks and check for them, you should also use another web monitoring tool to find mentions of your company name or products on the internet.

Speed Will Be an Even Bigger Factor Than Before

Google and other search engines have been factoring speed into their algorithms for some time now, but as internet speeds and mobile devices' abilities become smarter and faster, your website will need to keep up. To make the most of your search engine rankings, your pages need to load in under three seconds. A speed test will help you determine how fast your pages are currently loading. The test also provides an analysis of your content so that you'll know what caused any slowness. From there, you can determine how to fix the problem.

If you’re like many business owners, you may not have the time necessary to put too much thought into your own search engine optimization practices. Consider hiring an LA SEO company to help you. While a reputable company helps you raise your pages’ ranks, you can focus on providing excellent products, quality customer service and an overall awesome experience for your clients.