Choosing Your My SQL Reporting Software with Utmost Awareness

Author: Datasparc Inc.

The role of IT in a business enterprise has changed dramatically over the last decade. What was once a behind-the-scenes, supportive function has now emerged as a partner in growth and profitability whose availability is critical for an enterprise’s survival. This transformation of the IT department has also ushered in a change in various other aspects of an organization’s operations. A company’s tech team can no longer remain overburdened with mundane tasks like data extraction and report generation. Their utility lies elsewhere, which is why stakeholders have felt the need for more convenient, easy to use, non-technical means to connect with databases. This is where modern MySQL reporting software have come into play – allowing users to access the data they need, run complex queries and analysis on the same and generate reports that are vital for better decision making in the modern, information-driven environment. If you too are looking for a similar solution to manage your enterprise’s data needs, this article will give you all the information you require to choose MySQL reporting software with utmost awareness. Here goes:

What to look for in a robust MySQL reporting software?

  • The first and most important feature to
look for in MySQL reporting software is a marked absence of the need for using coding to access and analyze data. The very purpose of these tools is to ensure seamless functionality in the hands of all kinds of users, irrespective of whether or not they have IT or coding knowledge. Your selection of software should therefore be biased towards options that can offer advanced functionality without a user writing even a single line of code.

  • The next important factor to look for in a MySQL reporting software package is the option to maintain database safety and integrity. This includes capabilities of defining a strict data access policy with setting of user clearance levels, read-only/read-write protocols and database audit and monitoring options to ensure that critical business information doesn’t fall into wrong or inept hands.
  • MySQL reporting software should be able to offer a wide range of solutions for generating data reports, charts, dashboards, graphical representations and complex plots to display intended data in an easy to follow format for different organization stakeholders. The system should allow for making quick connections to the relevant data sources, building of SQL queries, generation of reports and sharing of data with key business personnel for rapid decision making.
  • Building SQL queries is one of the most dreaded aspects to handle for any non-technical user of an enterprise database. Your MySQL reporting software should allow for making this process easy and intuitive by providing visual query builders, option to drag and drop tables for building queries, editing of table views and display modes and generating reports, working in multiple tabs as well as real time report viewing.
  • And finally, you should look for MySQL reporting software that offers secure and effective means for collaborative working on database and reports on-the-go. Cloud based storage and access, password protection and authentication parameters, data sharing options and even automatic report generation are must have features in such a software.

DataSparc’s DBHawk offers all the above mentioned features in a neat, light weight and easy to use package meant for effectively resolving enterprise scale database management needs. Be sure to consider the same for your organization as well.