What employees want from a Corporate Wellness Program

Author: Merin Mathew

Integrating a corporate wellness program in employees’ daily work routine has become the norm in today’s corporate scenario. Such employee fitness programs prove beneficial for employees’ health and company’s productivity. Little wonder most organizations have adopted a corporate wellness program in one form or the other.

Corporate fitness initiatives

Companies are not leaving any stone unturned in creating the most perfect wellness programs for their employees. This is because, there are some clear benefits of a corporate wellness program. It makes the employee both mentally and physically fit, thereby increasing the company’s productivity and cutting down on health care expenditure.

Although most organizations have a corporate wellness program in place, it is not necessary that it meets the expectations of the employees. The reality is, not all employee fitness programs get popular among the employees, simply because these are not employee-friendly.

What makes a corporate wellness program employee-friendly?

Companies would do well if they consider five important things for a corporate wellness program to succeed. They are:

#1 Made with employees in mind

Since employees differ with each other in gender, age, lifestyle, etc., it is important that employee fitness programs cater to their differing physical and mental needs. Companies generally introduce a generic form of wellness program in the belief that it will appeal to all. However, this ‘one size fits all’ approach does not cut ice with the discerning employees and they give up on it.

What is really needed is to make a corporate wellness program personalized and need based. This may seem an impossible proposition for larger organizations, but if they can cater to different categories of employees, it will be half the battle won. These wellness programs can have special categories for pregnant employees, obese, smokers, elderly, diabetics, employees with high blood pressure, etc.

#2 Convenient to take up

A company may mean well by introducing a corporate wellness program for its employees. But, if it is not integrated well with the work hours and routine of the employees, it will not only fail to serve its purpose, but will also demotivate even the motivated employees.

Take for example provision of free gym services for employees. If the gym is not within the premises or in the same building, entailing the employees to travel, it becomes a deterrent for them. The employees would want the gym to be in the premises that they can readily avail. Thus, even though the company has provided free gym services, the employees don’t use them, since it is inconvenient for them.

#3 Integrated with company’s culture

For a corporate wellness program to be successful, a company should introduce a healthy work environment by integrating health and wellness in its corporate culture. This will ensure ready participation of employees. The steps a company can take to boost employees’ health and wellness include provision of healthy meals in the cafeteria at reduced cost, special fitness classes, yoga and also adequate breaks. This boils down to the willingness of the company leadership in promoting employees’ healthier lifestyle.

#4 Leadership participation

If a corporate wellness program has been introduced in the company for the sake of implementation and doesn’t have the support of company leadership, it is bound to fail. This is because unless the leaders approve of such employee fitness programs, employees will not be able to adopt such initiatives.

It is the joint responsibility of both the leaders and employees to make the workplace healthier. What leaders can do is to grant flexibility to their employees in participating in such programs. Additionally, leaders too should set a personal example by actively participating in these initiatives. This will give them a fair idea about the benefits and shortcomings of such programs.

#5 Willing participation

Anything thrust upon someone makes him or her avoid it. So is the case with a corporate wellness program. It should be left on the choice of the employees and not made mandatory like company training that needs to be completed. Instead, the company should make the employees aware of the all-round benefits of such employee fitness programs to motivate them to take it up willingly.


There is little doubt that employee fitness programs are most beneficial for both the employees and the organizations. However, it is up to the organizations to make it appealing for the employees to ensure their full participation. The above points would help.