Four Safety Decisions you can make to Protect Workers

Author: John Daviss

Building and maintaining success is vital for every business leader. Part of the equation is to make the right decisions, settling on the right products and services and taking personal responsibility for workers' safety.

Making sure your workers are safe in the environments they operate comes with many benefits including cutting down costs and ensuring good publicity among workers and other outsiders.

The following decisions are very important especially if workers will be operating heavy machinery and performing dangerous tasks:

1. Be smart in hiring: A safety workplace is the result of a careful planning and a firm foundation. In addition to buying the right protection equipment including roof fall arrest anchors, fall arrest anchors and fall protection anchor, emphasize on hiring individuals that have proper qualifications and training in performing the expected job.

Such decisions will eliminate need to train the workers or incur a lot of money in the training.

These workers will not endanger others too as they prevent endangering themselves. Besides, ensure people you assign tasks are responsible, focused, methodical and reliable.

2. Train and re-train workers on safety issues: Even if the workers have training on using safety equipment such as roof fall arrest anchors, fall arrest anchors and fall protection anchors, it is essential to retrain them from time to time to remind them of safety rules but most importantly, to ensure a safety work culture.

Many companies do not retrain after initial orientations, which is not right.

In fact, implementing a safety work culture requires putting in place compulsory safety meetings, courses and procedures. Employees should also be tested to ensure they acquire the necessary targeted skills and information. Creativity should ensure that employees get interested in learning new information and not getting bored by refresher courses, for instance by using role-playing scenarios, small-scale contests and using games.

Workers should be trained on how to wear and use gear appropriately.

3. Start and run a safety committee: A safety committee should be put into place, with representatives from all the departments of the organization.

The committee's role should be to assess situations that require safety improvements and propose trainings or other issues in relation to safety. A company can also rely on this group to instill a safe work culture throughout the organization.

4. Health and hygiene should be part of the equation: Many companies simply concentrate on proper equipment operation or wearing and using appropriate safety gear such as roof fall arrest anchor, fall arrest anchors and fall protection anchors. The workplace should be made as clean as possible and hygiene prioritized among workers to prevent germs and illnesses. Healthy workers are more alert and productive and this should inspire companies to ensure they emphasize on health and hygiene at workplace.

Simple steps such as availing anti-bacterial hand sanitizer around the workspace and posting signage about personal health and hygiene while working should not be forgotten.

5. Plan and prepare for emergencies: How can it be possible to prepare for emergencies that have not occurred yet? Steps such as ensuring you have fire extinguishers, roof fall arrest anchors, fall arrest anchors and fall protection anchors, and other safety equipment in place, is how to do this.

Besides, ensure your machines and safety equipment is working appropriately and regularly checked and maintained.