Work out right to keep your pants from being too tight

Author: Golden Home Fitness

Putting on a few kilos can be disheartening for some women. While there are several diet plans that focus on losing fat, but they cannot guarantee effective results unless you’re burning your calories the right way – through a workout.

An effective workout is a great way to lose weight. It can transform your body, make you fit and improve your overall well-being. This makes it necessary to keep up with an adequate workout routine if you want to drop those kilos fast and maintain a toned physique.

How is working out more effective than a controlled diet plan?

The importance of a well-balanced diet needs no contradiction, but it’s just not as compelling as a good workout for women. Working out allows you to increase your metabolism so that you can shed your weight quickly. Unlike dieting, a workout can help you to get a toned and defined physique without compromising on your appetite.

What are the most effective workouts for women?

There are plenty of workout options for women striving to lose their weight. With an abundance of options, it can be confusing to choose the best workout that offers best results in the least amount of time.

Here are some of the best workouts to help you with weight-loss


Cardio refers to any activity that increases heart rate to elevate the body’s oxygen flow. It covers everything from walking, cycling, jogging, hiking, swimming, etc. A cardio workout can help you keep your weight in check by developing your heart’s ability to pump blood to the muscle tissues, allowing you to burn calories faster.

Strength training

Strength training is another useful workout to burn calories and keep your metabolism levels high. It uses endurance exercises to tone your muscles, which can help your body burn more calories at rest.


Push-up is a simple and effective workout for women, as it requires no equipment and develops muscle mass in all the right places. Muscle tissues burn more calories than fat tissue, which means the more muscle you have, the better your metabolism would be, and the faster your weight will decrease.


Crunches focus on your abdominal muscle to build resistance and strength in your belly, consequently reducing the fat around it.

It’s important to remember that losing weight is mostly dependant on your calorie consumption versus the calories you’ve burned. You should keep in mind that you’re burning fat rigorously during your workout session and reducing your calorie consumption by following a balanced diet-pattern. An effective workout is a part of a comprehensive weight loss program, and if you succeed to keep up with it, you can get the body you have always desired.