PPC Management taking the Quality Score as a Major Initiative
In the business world, though business owners invest huge amount towards the advertising their respective ads in the search engine results page (SRPS).
Google as a powerful search engine consistently monitor rich & the relevant content through which it directly connects to the potential audience in regards to their respective search criterion.
Landing Page Construction
The landing pages are being specifically designed to successfully carry out the PPC campaigns and to have an excellent Click-Through-Rate’s (CTR’s).
Further the landing pages are designed in such a way that it carries two pivotal components within itself, one the relevant & rich content and the relevant & highly searched keywords. When the relevant keywords are perfectly optimized in the content, which is further positioned itself in a typical landing page, and then you could expect the search engine to have a high quality score.
Metrics in reference to the quality score
Quality score constantly follows a pre-defined metrics which is calibrated in the scale of 1-10, with 1 being the irrelevant quality score and 10 as the most relevant score. Thus, on the basis of the quality score of 10, we could determine the success rate. The business owners always have an inclination to optimize their respective ads with the highest possible quality score in consideration.
Anecdote: Quality Score is the rating given by Google on the basis of quality and relevance of the keywords and the corresponding PPC ads. The quality score always relies on multiple factors which includes the Click-Through Rate (CTR), the landing page through which the relevant keywords and the corresponding contents paving a way to the excellent CTR’s.
Parameters which determine the quality score:
The parameters that define the quality score as mentioned above is the expected CTR’s, keyword relevance and the landing page as a whole. These three vital elements are being rated from the Google’s point of view as "above average" and "average" or "below average".
As a matter of fact, if the landing page yields the "above average" and "average" quality scores, it means that the PPC for that particular campaign is a successful one and if the page yields "below average", it means that, we need to strive hard to make it "average" and "above average". All these factors are quite visible on the serps and one has to constantly monitor them in order to reap the campaign benefits.
Factors determining the PPC campaigns at a glimpse
Keyword Relevance
Keywords play a dominant role in determining the success of PPC campaigns, as it becomes a pivotal element in driving in the subsequent web traffic to the landing page, which further determines the appropriateness of a CTR.
Expectations from CTR’s
CTR’s are always regarded as an essential component in most of the PPC campaigns, as CTR’s are a kind of measurement to understand the consumer behavior towards a adv and the decision to click on it for further transactions.
Landing Page Experience
Landing Page is a instrumental tool to drive in the relevant web traffic as it accommodates the relevant keywords in the contents that showcases the description of the products or services of a business owner thereby through the CTR’s, they pave the way for a PPC’s success rate, thereby achieving the quality score.