The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Venous Veins Treatment

Author: Sameer Tendulkar

Varicose or venous veins are swollen and twisted veins that appear under the surface of the skin. These veins are generally observed in legs but can occur in any other part of the body. If you are struggling with varicose veins, then here is a piece of advice regarding varicose veins treatment :

  • To treat venous veins avoid standing or sitting for a long time without taking a break. Do not cross your legs while sitting. Raise your legs above the level of your heart while sitting, sleeping or resting if possible. Doing some physical activities is advised as it will help blood move through your veins.

  • Obesity causes increased pressure on veins which increases the risk of varicose veins. Hence try to lose some weight if you are overweight.

  • Tight clothes, especially the ones which are tight around waist, thighs, and legs can make varicose veins worse. Avoid wearing tight clothes till you get completely cured. Women are advised to avoid high heels if they are facing the issue of varicose veins.

  • Compression stockings are generally recommended by doctors after the treatment. These stockings create a gentle pressure on the leg which prevents blood from pooling and decrease swelling in legs.

  • If venous veins don't get any better even after changing the lifestyle, consider a medical procedure. Venous veins can be treated medically either by closing them or removing them. When varicose veins are removed, blood starts flowing through other veins hence do not cause any problem with blood flow.

  • Medical procedures for varicose veins involves Sclerotherapy, Laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, ambulatory phlebectomy and vein stripping and ligation.

  • In vein stripping and ligation, varicose veins are shut and removed through small cuts in your skin. Recovery time for this treatment is about 1 to 4 weeks.

  • In sclerotherapy procedure, a liquid chemical is injected into the vein which causes scarring and irritation inside the vein causing it to close off and fade away eventually. More than one sessions might be needed to close off the vein completely. Treatment is performed every 4 to 6 weeks.

  • In laser surgery, the laser beam is used heat the vein and close it off. In laser treatment, there is no recovery time involved. You can go back to work right after the surgery.

  • In ambulatory phlebectomy, small cuts are made in your skin to remove small varicose veins. In this procedure, only varicose veins around the vein are made numb and varicose veins near the surface of the skin are removed.

  • Out of all the venous ulcer treatments, laser treatment is preferred most by patients because of the pain-free procedure and zero recovery time. But, each case is unique so different venous ulcer treatment is chosen for each patient.

Vein Center is a super specialty clinic established by Dr.Saurabh Joshi, who specializes in Neuro and Vascular Interventional Radiology consultation and venous ulcer treatment.